Poetry and Pedagogy across the Lifespan: Disciplines, Classrooms, Contexts 1st Edition by Sandra Lee Kleppe – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 3319904337, 9783319904337
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 3319904337
ISBN-13 : 9783319904337
Author : Sandra Lee Kleppe
This book explores poetry and pedagogy in practice across the lifespan. Poetry is directly linked to improved literacy, creativity, personal development, emotional intelligence, complex analytical thinking and social interaction: all skills that are crucial in contemporary educational systems. However, a narrow focus on STEM subjects at the expense of the humanities has led educators to deprioritize poetry and to overlook its interdisciplinary, multi-modal potential. The editors and contributors argue that poetry is not a luxury, but a way to stimulate linguistic experiences that are formally rich and cognitively challenging. To learn through poetry is not just to access information differently, but also to forge new and different connections that can serve as reflective tools for lifelong learning. This interdisciplinary book will be of value to teachers and students of poetry, as well as scholars interested in literacy across the disciplines.
Poetry and Pedagogy across the Lifespan: Disciplines, Classrooms, Contexts 1st Table of contents:
Part I. Poetry Across the Disciplines and Modalities
1. Poetry and Accounting: “What Is It You Plan to Do with Your One Wild and Precious Life?”
2. The Chemistry of Poetry: Transfer Across Disciplines
3. Teaching Poetry Through Dance
4. Poetry and Pedagogy in St. Teresa of Avila (1515–1582): Affirming Life Lessons for Women
5. Teaching Poetry with Painting: “Why Do You Thus Devise Evil Against Her?”
6. Whatever Gets You Through the Night: Poetry and Combat Trauma
7. Pedagogies of Personhood: The Place of Lyric in Cultural Criminology
8. Multimodal Encounter: Two Case Studies in the Recovery of the Black Signifier
Part II. Poetry Pedagogies and Theories in the Classroom
9. Push the Envelope: An Alternative to Testing and the Teaching of Emily Dickinson’s Manuscripts
10. “Ten Fat Sausages”: Poetic Sense Units, Vocabulary Chunks, and Language Acquisition in Young Learners
11. Helping High School Readers Interpret Challenging Texts Using Lenses from Literary Theory
12. The “Effanineffable” Weakness of Poetry: The Duality of Bringing Poetry into the Teacher Training Classroom
13. English Poetry in the Foreign Language Classroom: A Study of Teacher Perspectives, Purposes, and Practices
14. Why Teach Poems About Animals? Animal Poetry Across Disciplines and the Life Span
15. Teaching Unlikely Poets: Herman Melville, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Frances E. W. Harper
16. Expanding the Turn: Using Poetry to Prepare Students for a Post-Truth World
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