Policing Gun Violence: Strategic Reforms for Controlling Our Most Pressing Crime Problem – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780199929283,0199929289,9780197521748, 0197521746
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 0197521746
- ISBN-13: 9780197521748
- Author: Anthony A. Braga, Philip J. Cook
In many U.S. cities, gun violence is the most urgent crime problem. High rates of deadly violence make a city less livable, dragging down quality of life, economic development, and property values. The police are the primary agency tasked with controlling gun violence, yet advocates for gun violence prevention either ignore the police or only reference them as a part of the problem. But in fact, more effective policing is key to the success of any comprehensive effort to reduce community gun violence.
The stakes are high–gun violence is concentrated in low-income Black communities, and consequently these communities bear the brunt of the associated economic, social, and psychological burdens. Any successful strategy must overcome the current impasse where the residents of high-violence neighborhoods do not trust the police, having experienced both abuse and neglect in their dealings with officers. How can police departments find the right balance between over- and under-policing of high-violence areas? What are the best practices for police to preempt and deter gun violence, while engendering support and cooperation from the public?
Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. The Social Burden of Gun Violence
3. Regulation and Its Enforcement
4. 21st-Century Policing and Crime Control
5. Targeted Patrol and Problem-Solving in Hot Spots
6. Retail Deterrence of Very High-Risk Groups
7. Strengthening the Investigation of Shootings
8. Reducing Shootings by the Police
9. Policing Firearms Trafficking, Theft, and Illegal Diversion
10. There’s Much to Be Done
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