(Ebook PDF) Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory 2nd Edition by Alan Templeton-Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:9781118504345, 1118504348
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ISBN 10:1118504348
ISBN 13:9781118504345
Author: Alan R. Templeton
Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory
Explore the fundamentals of the biological implications of population genetic theory
In the newly revised Second Edition of Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory, accomplished researcher and author Alan R. Templeton delivers a fulsome discussion of population genetics with coverage of exciting new developments in the field, including new discoveries in epigenetics and genome-wide studies. The book prepares students to successfully apply population genetics analytical tools by providing a solid foundation in microevolutionary theory.
The book emphasizes that population structure forms the underlying template upon which quantitative genetics and natural selection operate and is a must-read for future population and evolutionary geneticists and those who wish to work in genetic epidemiology or conservation biology.
You’ll learn about a wide array of topics, including quantitative genetics, the interactions of natural selection with other evolutionary forces, and selection in heterogeneous environments and age-structured populations. Appendices that cover genetic survey techniques and probability and statistics conclude the book.
Table of Contents:
- 1 The Scope and Basic Premises of Population Genetics
- Basic Premises of Population Genetics
- Population Genomics
- Part 1: The Scope and Basic Premises of Population Genetics
- 2 Modeling Evolution and the Hardy–Weinberg Law
- How to Model Microevolution
- The Hardy–Weinberg Model
- Hardy–Weinberg for Two Loci
- 3 Systems of Mating
- Inbreeding
- Assortative Mating
- Disassortative Mating
- 4 Genetic Drift
- Basic Evolutionary Properties of Genetic Drift
- Founder and Bottleneck Effects
- Genetic Drift and Disequilibrium
- Genetic Drift, Disequilibrium, and System of Mating
- Effective Population Size
- 5 Genetic Drift in Large Populations and Coalescence
- Newly Arisen Mutations
- Neutral Alleles
- The Coalescent
- 6 Gene Flow and Population Subdivision
- Gene Flow Between Two Local Populations
- The Balance of Gene Flow and Drift
- An Example of the Balance of Drift and Gene Flow
- Factors Influencing the Amount and Pattern of Gene Flow
- Total Effective Population Size in Subdivided Populations
- Multiple Modes of Inheritance and Population Structure
- Admixture
- Identifying Subpopulations and Population Structure
- A Final Warning
- 7 Population History
- Inferring Historical Effective Population Sizes
- Inferring Historical Gene Flow Patterns and Admixture Events
- Using Haplotype Trees to Study Population History
- Model‐Based Approaches to Phylogeographic Analysis
- Direct Studies over Space and Past Times
- Historical Population Genetics and Macroevolution
- Part 2: Genotype and Phenotype
- 8 Basic Quantitative Genetic Definitions and Theory
- “Simple” Mendelian Phenotypes
- Nature Versus Nurture?
- The Fisherian Model of Quantitative Genetics
- 9 Quantitative Genetics
- Correlation Between Relatives
- The Distinction Between Heritability and Inheritance
- Response to Selection
- The Problem of Between‐Population Differences in Mean Phenotype
- Controlled Crosses for the Analyses of Between Population Differences
- The Balance Between Mutation, Drift, and Gene Flow Upon Phenotypic Variance
- 10 Quantitative Genetics
- Marker Association Studies
- Candidate Loci
- Candidate Loci and Genetic Architecture
- Part 3: Natural Selection and Adaptation
- 11 Natural Selection
- The Fundamental Equation of Natural Selection: Measured Genotypes
- Sickle‐cell Anemia as an Example of Natural Selection
- Adaptation as a Polygenic Process
- The Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection: Unmeasured Genotypes
- Some Implications of the Fundamental Equations of Natural Selection
- The Course of Adaptation and Natural Selection
- 12 Interactions of Natural Selection with Other Evolutionary Forces and the Detection of Natural Selection
- The Interaction of Natural Selection with Mutation
- The Interaction of Natural Selection with Mutation and System of Mating
- The Interaction of Natural Selection with Gene Flow
- The Interaction of Natural Selection with Genetic Drift
- The Interactions of Natural Selection, Genetic Drift, and Gene Flow
- The Interactions of Natural Selection, Genetic Drift, and Mutation
- The Interactions of Natural Selection, Genetic Drift, Mutation, and Recombination
- Candidate Loci
- Quantitative Genetic Approaches to Detecting Selection
- The Neutralist/Selectionist Debate
- 13 Units and Targets of Selection
- The Unit of Selection
- Targets of Selection Below the Level of the Individual
- Targets of Selection Above the Level of the Individual
- 14 Selection in Heterogeneous Environments
- Coarse‐grained Spatial Heterogeneity
- Coarse‐grained Temporal Heterogeneity
- Fine‐grained Heterogeneity
- Coevolution
- 15 Selection in Age‐Structured Populations
- Life History and Fitness
- The Evolution of Senescence
- Abnormal Abdomen: An Example of Selection in an Age‐Structured Population
- Overview
- Appendix A: Genetic Survey Techniques
- Protein Electrophoresis
- Restriction Endonucleases
- Polymerase Chain Reaction
- DNA Polymorphisms
- Appendix B: Probability and Statistics
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Alan Templeton,Population Genetics,Microevolutionary Theory