(Ebook PDF) Product Maturity Volume 2 Principles and Illustrations 1st Edition by Franck Bayle -Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:1786307405 , 978-1786307408
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Product details:
ISBN 10:1786307405
ISBN 13:978-1786307408
Author: Franck Bayle I
Every parent is concerned when a child is slow to become a mature adult. This is also true for any product designer, regardless of their industry sector. For a product to be mature, it must have an expected level of reliability from the moment it is put into service, and must maintain this level throughout its industrial use.
While there have been theoretical and practical advances in reliability from the 1960s to the end of the 1990s, to take into account the effect of maintenance, the maturity of a product is often only partially addressed. Product Maturity 2 fills this gap as much as possible; a difficult exercise given that maturity is a transverse activity in the engineering sciences; it must be present throughout the lifecycle of a product.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 Sampling in Manufacturing
1.1 Cost aspects
1.2 Considering the distribution of defects
1.3 Considering the test coverage
Chapter 2 Compliance Test
Chapter 3 Non-Regression Tests
3.1 Non-regression on a physical quantity
3.2 Non-regression depending on time
Chapter 4 Zero-Failure Reliability Demonstration
4.1 Purpose of zero-failure tests
4.2 Theoretical principle
4.2.1 Non-maintained products
4.2.2 Maintained products
4.2.3 Estimation of parameter β
4.2.4 Physical laws of failure
4.3 Optimization of test costs
4.4 Specific cases
4.4.1 Imposed number of parts
4.4.2 Imposed testing time
4.4.3 Imposed testing time and number of parts
4.4.4 A test was already conducted and the demonstrated reliability should be estimated
4.4.5 One test was already conducted and failure to demonstrate reliability must be known
4.4.6 Two tests were conducted
4.4.7 A second test is conducted
4.4.8 Reliability objective is a failure rate
4.4.9 Reliability data are available from the manufacturer
4.4.10 Demonstration of reliability at the product level
4.4.11 Taking into account a complex life profile
Chapter 5 Reliability Management
5.1 Context
5.2 Physical architecture division
5.3 Classification of subsets
5.4 Allocation of initial reliability
5.5 Estimation of the reliability of subsets
5.5.1 Consistency with the experience feedback
5.5.2 Estimation of the power of the test
5.5.3 Simulation algorithm
5.6 Optimal allocation of the reliability of subsets
5.7 Illustration
5.8 Definition of design rules
5.9 Construction of a global predicted reliability model with several manufacturers
Chapter 6 Confirmation of Maturity
6.1 Internal data from equipment manufacturer
6.2 System manufacturer data
6.2.1 Original fit removal rate or “zero hour returns”
6.3 End-customer data
6.3.1 Burn-in effectiveness
6.3.2 First failure analysis
6.3.3 Method based on failure analysis
6.3.4 Observed reliability
6.3.5 Estimation of the forecasting number of catastrophic failures
6.4 Burn-in optimization
6.4.1 Distribution of failures observed during HASS cycles
6.4.2 Verification of the degradation of the manufacturing process
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Product Maturity,Principles,Illustrations,Volume 2,Franck Bayle