Pseudo-Noun Incorporation and Differential Object Marking 1st edition by Imke Driemel – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192691473, 9780192691477
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0192691473
ISBN-13 : 9780192691477
Author : Imke Driemel
This book provides a detailed cross-linguistic study of pseudo-noun incorporation, a phenomenon whereby an argument forms a ‘closer than usual’ relation with the verb. Imke Driemel draws on data from Tamil, Mongolian, Korean, Turkish, and German, and applies diagnostic tests across eleven noun types in each of the languages under consideration. What emerges is a coherent effect of pseudo-incorporated arguments that maps loss of case marking to obligatory narrow scope, lack of binding and control relations, and a potentially restricted movement pattern.
Pseudo-Noun Incorporation and Differential Object Marking 1st Table of contents:
1 Introduction
2 Methodology and main results
2.1 Diagnostics
2.2 Elicitation methods, consultants
2.3 Main results
3 Pseudo-incorporation as a category change phenomenon
3.1 Sequential hybrids
3.2 Theoretical assumptions
3.3 Implementation
3.4 Sequential hybrids vs layered projections
4 Pseudo-incorporation vs differential object marking
4.1 Case loss is post-syntactic
4.2 PNI within post-syntactic DOM accounts
4.3 Case studies
4.3.1 Tamil
4.3.2 Mongolian
4.3.3 Turkish
4.3.4 Korean
4.3.5 German
5 PNI-property I: Restriction to low scope
5.1 Evidence for scopal inertness of verbal categories
5.2 PNI-ed arguments are restricted to the event domain
5.3 PNI-ed arguments reconstruct
5.4 Case studies
5.4.1 Tamil
5.4.2 Mongolian
5.4.3 Turkish
5.4.4 Korean
5.4.5 German
6 PNI-property II: Lack of binding and control
6.1 Tamil
6.2 Mongolian
6.3 Turkish
6.4 Korean
6.5 German
7 PNI-property III: Movement patterns
7.1 Tamil
7.2 Mongolian
7.3 Turkish
7.4 Korean
7.5 German
8 Differential object marking
8.1 Tamil
8.2 Korean
9 Previous approaches
9.1 Head movement accounts
9.2 DP/NP accounts
9.3 Raising accounts
10 Summary
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Pseudo Noun,Incorporation,Differential Object,Marking,Imke Driemel