Psychophysics A Practical Introduction 2nd Edition by Frederick Kingdom – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0124071562, 9780124071568
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:0124071562
• ISBN 13:9780124071568
• Author:Frederick Kingdom
Psychophysics: A Practical Introduction, Second Edition, is the primary scientific tool for understanding how the physical world of colors, sounds, odors, movements, and shapes translates into the sensory world of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell; in other words, how matter translates into mind.
This timely revision provides a unique introduction to the techniques for researching and understanding how the brain translates the external physical world to the internal world of sensation. The revision expands and refines coverage of the basic tools of psychophysics research and better integrates the theory with the supporting software.
The new edition continues to be the only book to combine, in a single volume, the principles underlying the science of psychophysical measurement and the practical tools necessary to analyze data from psychophysical experiments. The book, written in a tutorial style, will appeal to new researchers as well as to seasoned veterans. This introduction to psychophysics research methods will be of interest to students, scholars and researchers within sensory neuroscience, vision research, behavioral neuroscience, and the cognitive sciences.
Presents a large variety of analytical methods explained for the non-expert
Provides a novel classification scheme for psychophysics experiments
Disseminates the pros and cons of different psychophysical procedures
Contains practical tips for designing psychophysical experiments
Psychophysics A Practical Introduction 2nd Table of contents:
About the Authors
Preface to the Second Edition
Chapter 1. Introduction and Aims
1.1. What is Psychophysics?
1.2. Aims of the Book
1.3. Organization of the Book
1.4. What’s New in the Second Edition?
Chapter 2. Classifying Psychophysical Experiments
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Tasks, Methods, and Measures
2.3. Dichotomies
2.4. Classification Scheme
Further Reading
Chapter 3. Varieties of Psychophysical Procedures
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Performance-Based Procedures
3.3. Appearance-Based Procedures
3.4. Further Design Details
Further Reading
Chapter 4. Psychometric Functions
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Section A: Practice
4.3. Section B: Theory and Details
Further Reading
Chapter 5. Adaptive Methods
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Up/Down Methods
5.3. “Running Fit” Methods: The Best PEST and Quest
5.4. The Psi Method and Variations
Chapter 6. Signal Detection Measures
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Section A: Practice
6.3. Section B: Theory
Further Reading
Chapter 7. Summation Measures
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Part A: Summation Modeled under Signal Detection Theory (SDT)
7.3. Part B: Summation Modeled under High-Threshold Theory (HTT)
Further Reading
Chapter 8. Scaling Methods
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Discrimination Scales
8.3. Maximum Likelihood Difference Scaling (MLDS)
8.4. Partition Scaling
Further Reading
Chapter 9. Model Comparisons
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Section A: Statistical Inference
9.3. Section B: Theory and Details
9.4. Some Alternative Model Comparison Methods
Further Reading
Quick Reference Guide
List of Acronyms
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Psychophysics,A Practical Introduction,Frederick Kingdom