Radar Remote Sensing Applications and Challenges 1st Edition by Prashant Srivastava, Dileep Gupta, Tanvir Islam, Dawei Han, Rajendra Prasad – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:9780128235942, 0128235942
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:0128235942
• ISBN 13:9780128235942
• Author:Prashant Srivastava, Dileep Gupta, Tanvir Islam, Dawei Han, Rajendra Prasad
Radar Remote Sensing
Applications and Challenges
Radar Remote Sensing: Applications and Challenges advances the scientific understanding, development, and application of radar remote sensing using monostatic, bistatic and multi-static radar geometry. This multidisciplinary reference pulls together a collection of the recent developments and applications of radar remote sensing using different radar geometry and platforms at local, regional and global levels.
Radar Remote Sensing is for researchers and practitioners with earth and environmental and meteorological sciences, who are interested in radar remote sensing in ground based scatterometer and SAR systems; air borne scatterometer and SAR systems; space borne scatterometer and SAR systems.
Covers monostatic, bistatic and multi-static radar geometry
Features case studies, including experimental investigations, for practical application
Includes geophysical, oceanographical, and meteorological Synthetic Aperture Radar data
Radar Remote Sensing Applications and Challenges 1st Table of contents:
Section 1. Basis of radar remote sensing
Chapter 1. Introduction to RADAR remote sensing
1. Brief history of RADAR remote sensing
2. Optical versus RADAR remote sensing
3. Fundamentals of RADAR
4. Types of RADAR
5. Operational frequencies of RADAR
6. Backscatter mechanisms
7. Radar image characteristics
8. Application of microwave-based remote sensing
Chapter 2. Microwave components and devices for RADAR systems
1. Introduction
2. Transmission line
3. Antennas
4. Microwave filters
5. Absorbers
6. Microwave sources
7. Mode converter
8. Network analyzer
9. Some other important microwave components
10. Summary
Chapter 3. Theory of monostatic and bistatic radar systems
1. Introduction
2. Bistatic and monostatic radar system configuration
3. Radar equation
4. Radar cross-section per unit area/scattering coefficient system and measurement concepts
5. Measurement procedures
6. Procedure of bistatic specular scatterometer measurement and its calibration over natural terrain
7. Summary
Chapter 4. Review of microwave fundamentals and its applications
1. Introduction
2. Theory of radiative transfer
3. Electromagnetic interaction with discrete objects
4. Interaction with inhomogeneous media
5. Interaction with a smooth surface
6. Interaction with rough surfaces
7. Microwave interaction with natural surfaces
8. Summary
Section 2. Conventional methods for radar remote sensing
Chapter 5. Comparative flood area analysis based on change detection and binarization methods using Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar data
1. Introduction
2. Study area
3. Materials and methods
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Chapter 6. Subsurface feature identification using L Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data over Jaisalmer, India
1. Introduction
2. Study area
3. Data used
4. Methodology
5. Result
6. Conclusion
Chapter 7. Terrestrial water budget through radar remote sensing
1. Introduction
2. Precipitation from radar remote sensing
3. Soil moisture from radar remote sensing
4. Water levels from radar altimetry
5. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 8. Application of synthetic aperture radar remote sensing in forestry
1. Introduction
2. Polarimetric matrix generation
3. Polarimetric speckle filtering
4. Orientation angle correction
5. Polarimetric decomposition
6. Terrain correction
7. Polarimetric classification
8. Summary and final remarks
Chapter 9. Classification of Radar data using Bayesian optimized two-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network
1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Dataset and ground data collection
4. Dataset preparation for classification
5. Methodology
6. Results and discussion
7. Conclusion
Chapter 10. Modeling and simulation of synthetic aperture radar dataset for retrieval of soil surface parameters
1. Introduction
2. Study area and collection of field data
3. Collection and processing of satellite data
4. Soil moisture modeling
5. Results and discussion
6. Conclusion
Chapter 11. Flood inundation mapping from synthetic aperture radar and optical data using support vector machine: a case study from Kopili River basin during Cyclone Amphan
1. Introduction
2. Study area
3. Material and methods
4. Result and discussion
5. Conclusion
Chapter 12. Performance assessment of phased array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar and Landsat-8 used in image classification
1. Introduction
2. Datasets
3. Methodology
4. Results and discussion
5. Conclusions and future work
Chapter 13. Evaluation of speckle filtering methods using polarimetric Sentinel-1A data
1. Introduction
2. Study site and data used
3. Methodology
4. Results and discussion
5. Conclusion
Section 3. Advanced methods for radar remote sensing
Chapter 14. Emerging techniques of polarimetric interferometric synthetic aperture radar for scattering-based characterization
1. Introduction
2. Synthetic aperture radar polarimetry
3. Polarimetric decomposition
4. Polarization orientation angle
5. Probability distributions
6. Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry
7. Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry coherence-based decomposition
8. Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry decorrelation-based decomposition model
Chapter 15. Advanced method for radar remote sensing: circularly polarized synthetic aperture radar
1. Introduction
2. Circularly polarized scattering for remote sensing
3. Specification of circular polarized synthetic aperture radar for microsatellite
4. Radio-frequency system of circular polarized synthetic aperture radar
5. Flight test and images
6. Summary and future research
Chapter 16. A processing chain for estimating crop biophysical parameters using temporal Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar data in cloud computing framework
1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Results and discussion
4. Conclusion
Chapter 17. Fuzzy logic for the retrieval of kidney bean crop growth variables using ground-based scatterometer measurements
1. Introduction
2. Method and observations
3. Fuzzy inference system
4. Results and discussion
5. Conclusion
Chapter 18. Monitoring tropical peatlands subsidence by time-series interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) technique
1. Introduction
2. Interferometry synthetic aperture radar for tropical peatlands
3. Case study: Sintang, Indonesia
4. Summary
Chapter 19. Toward a North American continental wetland map from space: wetland classification using satellite imagery and machine learning algorithms on Google Earth Engine
1. Introduction
2. Wetland classification systems
3. Wetland field data
4. Remote sensing data
5. Cloud computing platforms and machine learning algorithms
6. Wetland classification results for Canada
7. Conclusion
Section 4. Future challenges in radar remote sensing
Chapter 20. Challenges in Radar remote sensing
1. Introduction
2. Conclusion
Chapter 21. The study of Indian Space Research Organization’s Ku-band based scatterometer satellite (SCATSAT-1) in agriculture: applications and challenges
1. Introduction
2. Background of SCATSAT-1
3. Applications in agriculture
4. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 22. Radar remote sensing of soil moisture: fundamentals, challenges & way-out
1. Introduction
2. Effect of target parameters on SAR sensitivity toward soil moisture
3. Addressing the effect of target parameters on SAR sensitivity toward soil moisture
4. Effect of the sensor parameters on SAR sensitivity toward soil moisture
5. To identify sensitive polarimetric parameters derived from fully and hybrid polarimetric SAR for soil moisture
6. Addressing the various challenges involved in ground truth planning and ground truth data collection for radar remote sensing of soil moisture
7. Addressing the challenges involved in development of a soil moisture retrieval model using radar remote sensing
8. Addressing challenges involved in SAR data processing due to a huge data volume
9. Addressing the issue of interval and scale of a soil moisture map
10. Conclusion
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Radar Remote Sensing,Applications and Challenges,Prashant Srivastava, Dileep Gupta, Tanvir Islam, Dawei Han, Rajendra Prasad