Relentless Solution Focus – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN:9781260460124, 1260460126
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1260460126
- ISBN-13 : 9781260460124
- Author: Jason Selk
The most common cause of failing to reach our professional and personal goals is hardwired in us: Humans instinctively focus on problems. Over millennia, our very survival relied on our ability to be alert to any potential dangers that could threaten our existence. But today this negativity bias significantly limits our potential and increases stress, pressure, and underperformance.
The one characteristic all phenomenally successful people share is mental toughness. Mentally tough people are better at making decisions more quickly and with better results. They possess the uncanny ability to control what goes on between their ears. Instead of allowing their minds to focus on their problems when adversity strikes, the most successful people have learned to direct their thoughts in a systematic manner that produces positive emotions and productive actions: they have a Relentless Solution Focus.
Table contents:
PART I RECOGNIZE: Don’t Start a Fight Wearing a Blindfold
1 PCT: The Greatest Obstacle to Mental Toughness
2 Expectancy Theory: That Which You Focus on Expands
3 Relentless Solution Focus: There Is Always a Solution—Always
PART II REPLACE: If It’s Broken, Fix It
4 The Mental Chalkboard: Solving the “Real” Problem
5 The RSF Tool: Failure Fades When Quitting Isn’t an Option
6 The Plus 1 Concept: Improvement over Perfection
PART III RETRAIN: When You Train, You Win
7 The Framework of Achievement: Vision + Integrity = Happiness
8 Perfection to Performance: Stop the Self-Inflicted Beatings
9 The Mental Workout and Success Log: Train Yourself to Become Unstoppable
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