Religion in the Age of Re-Globalization: A Brief Introduction 1st edition Roland Benedikter – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9783030808563,3030808564,9783030808570, 3030808572
Product details:
- ISBN 10: 3030808572
- ISBN 13: 9783030808570
- Author: Roland Benedikter
This book provides a concise introduction into twenty-one trends that are transforming the role of religion and spirituality in “re-globalizing” societies. In referring to processes of “re-globalization”, the book draws attention to profound ongoing changes in the patterns and mechanisms of contemporary globalization. Inter- and transdisciplinary in its approach, clearly structured, and easy to read, the book analyzes the impact of religious self-understanding, rhetoric, and practice on five core fields: economics, politics, culture, demography, and technology. In turn, it describes the effects of these five fields on religion and spirituality themselves. This book represents a broad, encompassing overview of the main transformations that religion is undergoing today. Roland Benedikter combines a “big picture” approach with a keen attention to the details of specific case studies. With its clear and accessible structure and timely examples, this book is ideally suited for students of international relations and religious studies, and will also appeal to researchers engaged in those fields and to interested general readers. The book is also apt to serve as an encompassing basis for contemporary debates in civil society, including both grassroots and expert discussions.
Table contents:
Part I. The Global Setting
1. Overview: A “Loss-of-Control” Age?
2. Introduction: Transfiguring the Ground—Religion in Our Days: Between Return, Revival and Renewal
3. A Shifting Global Scenery: The Age of Re-globalization
4. Re-globalization: An Array of Factors Shaking the Fundamentals of Neoliberal Globalization
5. Religious Re-globalization Rhetoric from the United Nations
Part II. A Changing Cultural Horizon
6. The Changing European-Western Setting: Post-Postmodernity and Meta-Modernity as Carriers of a Renaissance of Values Toward “Everyday Spirituality”?
7. The Interweavement of the Global and the Western: The Threefold Return of Religion and Spirituality on the International Scene
8. The Disputed Role of Religion in De-Liberalizing Settings
9. The Business of Religion: A Religious Business?
Part III. 21 Trends
10. Trends 1–7
11. Trends 8–14
12. Trends 15–21
Part IV. Effects of the 21 Trends and the Prospects
13. Summary: The Twenty-One Trends are Changing the Global Ecosystem of Religion. Will the Outcome be a Rather Retro- or Post-Religion: A More Fragmented or More Universal “Structured Spirituality”?
14. When It Comes to the Future: A Non-Unified Community of Scholars, Civil Society Activists and Politicians
15. A Decisive Question in the Eyes of Many: Toward More Explicit or More Implicit Religion?
16. Chaotic Narratives, Shifting Numbers
17. The Demography Factor
18. Switching and Migration
19. Food Fights, or: Between the Bitter and the Comical—The Dispute Between Culturalization and De-culturalization
Part V. Alternative Visions
20. Civil Religion as a Replacement or Even “End of Religion”?
21. Religious or Spiritual Re-globalization? Toward a “Secular Spirituality” or a “World Ethos”?
22. Europe’s Path of the Past Decades: De-religionization as De-culturalization—An Example for Europe’s future, for the West or for the World?
23. An Additional Variety of Phenomena: Suggestive Metaphors, Extremist Misuse, Inventive Banalizations
Part VI. The Debate About the Future of Religion
24. The Debate About the Future of Religion: A Particularly Wide Field—Between “Happiness” as a Substitute and the Growing Global Impact of the Traditional
25. Three Main Dimensions to Discern
26. A Different Option Perhaps Still Undervalued: The “Angel of History” Replacing Religion—A More Humble, Rational, Unifying or Peaceful Meta-Perspective?
Part VII. Conclusion and Outlook
27. Conclusion: The Many Questions Ahead
28. Institutional and Academic Offensives to Cope with Increasing “Religious Uncertainty”
29. Religion, Critique and the Contemporary Spirit of Polarization
30. Modernizing the Debate: About “Wire-Walking” Pioneers and Looming Dangers: Is the Future of Religion About Personal Courage and Individual Charisma?
31. Trends Versus the Eternal: The Lasting Questions of Religion and Spirituality Remain—within and Throughout All Twenty-One Trends
32. Outlook. The Future of Religion in—and by the Means Of—Re-Globalization: An Open, Insecure yet Evolving Prospect Inviting Participation
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