Religion’s Sudden Decline: What’s Causing It, and What Comes Next? 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780197547045,0197547044,9780197547076, 0197547079
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 0197547079
- ISBN-13: 9780197547076
- Author: Ronald F. Inglehart
Mass attachment to religion is rapidly declining in most of the world; Why, and What comes next?The world is becoming less religious. Since 2007, there has been a pervasive decline in religious belief and most of the world’s people now say that God is less important in their lives than they said He was in the quarter century before 2007. The American public showed the most dramatic shift of all. The United States, which for many years stood as a highly religious outlier among the world’s high-income countries, now ranks as the 12th least religious country for which data are available. Many factors contributed to this dramatic worldwide shift, but as Inglehart shows, certain ones stand out.
Table contents:
1. The Shift from Pro-Fertility Norms to Individual-Choice Norms
2. Religion Matters
3. The Secularization Debate
4. Evolutionary Modernization Theory and Secularization
5. What’s Causing Secularization? The Rise of Individual-Choice Norms
6. What’s Causing Secularization? Insecurity
7. Secularization Accelerates in High-Income Countries
8. What Is Replacing Religion?
9. At What Point Does Even Sweden Get a Xenophobic Party?
10. What Comes Next?
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