Religious Disagreement and Pluralism 1st edition by Matthew A. Benton – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192589695, 9780192589699
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0192589695
ISBN-13 : 9780192589699
Author: Matthew Benton
Epistemological questions about the significance of disagreement have advanced alongside broader developments in social epistemology concerning testimony, the nature of expertise and epistemic authority, the role of institutions, group belief, and epistemic injustice, among others. During this period, related issues in the epistemology of religion have re-emerged as worthy of new consideration, and available to be situated with new conceptual tools. Does disagreement between, and within, religions challenge the rationality of religious commitment? How should religious adherents think about exclusivist, inclusivist, and pluralist frameworks as applied to religious truth, or to matters of salvation or redemption or liberation? This volume explores many of these issues at the intersection of the epistemology of disagreement and religious epistemology. It engages in careful reflection on religious diversity and disagreement, offering ways to balance epistemic humility with personal conviction. Recognizing the place of religious differences in our social lives, it provides renewed efforts at how best to think about truths concerning religion.
Religious Disagreement and Pluralism 1st Table of contents:
1. Disagreement and Religion: Problems and Prospects Matthew A. Benton
1. Epistemology and Disagreement
2. Disagreement over Religion
3. Contributions to This Volume
2. Disagreement, Testimony, and Religious Understanding Laura Frances Callahan
1. Introduction
2. A Warm-Up Case
3. Understanding in Epistemology
4. Religious Understanding
5. Suspending in Response to Disagreement Diminishes Understanding
6. Proving Too Much: The Preface Paradox
7. Disagreement and Testimony
8. Conclusion
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