Revealing Schemes The Politics of Conspiracy in Russia and the Post Soviet Region 1st edition by Scott Radnitz – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9780197573563, 0197573568
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Product details:
• ISBN 10: 0197573568
• ISBN 13:9780197573563
• Author:Scott Radnitz
Revealing Schemes
The Politics of Conspiracy in Russia and the Post-Soviet Region
Conspiracy theories are not just outlandish ideas. They can also be political weapons. Conspiracy theories have come to play an increasingly prominent role in political systems around the world. In Revealing Schemes, Scott Radnitz moves beyond psychological explanations for why people believe conspiracy theories to explore the politics surrounding them, placing two questions at the center of his account: What leads regimes to promote conspiracy claims? And what effects do those claims have on politics and society? Focusing on the former Soviet Union—a region of the world where such theories have long thrived—he shows that incumbent politicians tend to make conspiracy claims to demonstrate their knowledge and authority at moments of uncertainty and threat. They emerge more often where there is serious political competition rather than unbridled autocracy and in response to events that challenge a regime’s ability to rule. Yet conspiracy theories can also be habit-forming and persist as part of an official narrative even where immediate threats have subsided—a strategy intended to strengthen regimes, but that may inadvertently undermine them. Revealing Schemes explores the causes, consequences, and contradictions of conspiracism in politics with an original collection of over 1,500 conspiracy claims from across the post-Soviet region, two national surveys, and 12 focus groups. At a time of heightened distrust in democratic institutions and rising illiberal populism around the world, understanding how conspiracy theories operate in a region where democracy came late—or never arrived—can be instructive for concerned citizens everywhere.
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9780197573556, 9780197573549
Social Science,
Regional Studies
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Revealing Schemes The Politics of Conspiracy in Russia and the Post Soviet Region 1st Table of contents:
Title Page
Copyright Page
List of Figures
List of Tables
Preface and Acknowledgments
Introduction: Conspiracy Claims after Communism
1. Of Power and Peril: Conspiracy Claims as Fighting Words
2. Traumas and Tyranny? The Long-Term and Proximate Roots of Conspiracism
3. The Lay of the Land: What 20 Years of Post-Soviet Conspiracy Claims Tell Us
4. Connecting the Dots: Patterns of Conspiracism in Post-Soviet Politics
5. The Emergence and Ascendancy of Conspiracism in Russia
6. Shadowy Deeds in Russia’s Shadow: Conspiracy Claims in Four Countries
7. The Consequences of Conspiracism: What People Believe and Why
8. Citizen Cynics: How People Talk and Think about Conspiracy
9. Disaffection, Disinformation, and Democracy
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