Semi-Presidential Policy-Making in Europe: Executive Coordination and Political Leadership 1st Edition by Tapio Raunio, Thomas Sedelius – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 3030164314, 9783030164317
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 3030164314
ISBN-13 : 9783030164317
Author : Tapio Raunio, Thomas Sedelius
This book explores how power-sharing between the president and the prime minister works in semi-presidential regimes. In contrast to much of the existing comparative work on semi-presidentialism, the book emphasizes the role of institutional coordination at the most concrete level of executive policy-making, and asks how institutional coordination between the president and prime minister influences presidential activism and the balance of power within the executive. The authors develop a tentative framework embedded in institutionalism and based on four strands of research – semi-presidentialism, public administration, political leadership, and foreign policy analysis – which is subsequently applied to the cases of Lithuania, Romania and Finland. Given the political challenges facing many semi-presidential countries, the study ultimately seeks to identify institutional solutions that facilitate power-sharing and successful policy-making.
Semi-Presidential Policy-Making in Europe: Executive Coordination and Political Leadership 1st Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Institutions, Coordination, and Leadership
3. The Semi-Presidential Cases in Comparative Context
4. Formal Coordination Mechanisms
5. Informal Avenues of Influence
6. Decision-Making in Foreign and Security Policies and EU Affairs
7. Conclusions
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Semi Presidential,Policy Making,Europe,Executive Coordination,Political Leadership,Tapio Raunio,Thomas Sedelius