Sharkpedia: A Brief Compendium of Shark Lore 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780691252629, 0691252629
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 0691252629
- ISBN-13: 9780691252629
- Author: Daniel Abel
Sharkpedia is an entertaining and enlightening celebration of sharks featuring close to 100 entries, based on the latest knowledge and enriched by original illustrations. Avoiding tired factoids, shark authority Daniel Abel gives new bite to essential information about sharks, including their adaptations as top predators, 450-million-year evolution, behavioral complexity, ecological importance, existential threats, and often sensationalized appearances in popular culture, from Jaws to Shark Week.
Table contents:
- Adaptation
- Age and Growth
- Air Jaws
- American Elasmobranch Society
- Art Depicting Sharks
- Attacks and Bites
- Batoids
- Bear Gulch
- Behavior
- Bimini Biological Field Station
- Biodiversity Hotspots
- Biomedical and Other Uses/Biomimicry
- Bite Force
- Bloodhounds of the Ocean
- Blue Water, White Death
- Bobbing for Apples
- Body Shape
- Bull Shark
- Bycatch
- Captivity and Capture Stress
- Cartilage
- Catsharks and Dogfish
- Cephalofoil
- Chondrichthyan Tree of Life
- Claspers
- Coastal Sharks
- Common and Scientific Names
- Convergent Evolution
- Cookiecutter Shark
- Countershading
- CSI: Shark
- Daily Ration
- Deep-Sea Sharks
- Dermal Denticles
- Diet
- Diversity of Sharks
- Ecology/Ecological Roles
- Ecotourism
- Elasmobranch
- Elasmotunatron
- Endangered Sharks
- Fear of Sharks
- Feeding Frenzy
- Finning
- Fisheries
- Gnathostomes: The Rise of Jaws
- Golden Age of Sharks
- Great Hammerhead
- Great White Shark
- Happy Eddie Shyshark
- Heart Anatomy and Physiology
- Jaws Phenomenon
- Jumping Sharks
- Life History Characteristics/Vulnerabilities
- Life’s a Drag: How Sharks Swim
- Living Fossil
- Megalodon/Megatooth
- Migrations (Movement Ecology)
- Most Magnificent Fish in the Sea
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