Syria: Borders, Boundaries, and the State 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9783030448769,9783030448776,3030448762,3030448770
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 3030448770
- ISBN-13 : 9783030448776
- Author: Matthieu Cimino
Table contents:
1. Introduction
Part I. From the Mandate to Assad’s Dynasty: Constructing, Contesting, and Legitimizing Syrian Borders (1920–2011)
2. Drawing a Line in the Sand? Another (Hi)Story of Borders
3. The Turkish-Syrian Border and Politics of Difference in Turkey and Syria (1921–1939)
4. Syria’s Internal Boundaries During the French Mandate: Control and Contestation
5. “The Country Should Unite First”: Pan-Arabism, State and Territory in Syria Under the Baath Rules
Part II. Struggling for the Borderlands: The Syrian Revolution (2011) and Its Aftermath
6. Hizbullah’s Borderlands Strategy: From Identity Shaping to the Nation-State Re-ordering
7. Spatialization of Ethno-Religious and Political Boundaries at the Turkish-Syrian Border
8. Dayr al-Zur from Revolution to ISIS: Local Networks, Hybrid Identities, and Outside Authorities
Part III. Imagining and Manufacturing the Borders: Non-state Actors and Their Representations of Syrian Territory (2011–2017)
9. The Opposition’s Three Territories
10. Sunni Islamists: From Syria to the Umma, and Back
11. The Complex and Dynamic Relationship of Syria’s Kurds with Syrian Borders: Continuities and Changes
12. The Map and Territory in Political Islam: Spatial Ideology and the Teaching of Geography by the Islamic State
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