Target Centred Virtue Ethics 1st edition by Christine Swanton – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9780192606143, 019260614X
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:019260614X
• ISBN 13:9780192606143
• Author:Christine Swanton
Target Centred Virtue Ethics
Virtue ethics in its contemporary manifestation is dominated by neo Aristotelian virtue ethics primarily developed by Rosalind Hursthouse. This version of eudaimonistic virtue ethics was ground breaking, but has been subject to considerable critical attention. Christine Swanton shows that the time is ripe for new developments and alternatives. The target centred virtue ethics proposed by Swanton is opposed to orthodox virtue ethics in two major ways. First, it rejects the ‘natural goodness’ metaphysics of Neo Aristotelian virtue ethics owed to Philippa Foot in favour of a ‘hermeneutic ontology’ of ethics inspired by the Continental tradition and McDowell. Second, it rejects the well -known ‘qualified agent’ account of right action made famous by Hursthouse in favour of a target centred framework for assessing rightness of acts. Swanton develops the target centred view with discussions of Dancy’s particularism, default reasons and thick concepts, codifiability, and its relation to the Doctrine of the mean. Target Centred Virtue Ethics retains the pluralism of Virtue Ethics: A Pluralistic View (2003) but develops it further in relation to a pluralistic account of practical reason. This study develops other substantive positions including the view that target centred virtue ethics is developmental, suitably embedded in an environmental ethics of “dwelling”; and incorporates a concept of differentiated virtue to allow for roles, narrativity, cultural and historical location, and stage of life.
Target Centred Virtue Ethics 1st Table of contents:
Part I: Metaphysics
1. A New Metaphysics for Virtue Ethics
(i) Introduction: The Basic Theses
(ii) Intentional Access: The Logos
(iii) The Logos: Its Nature
(iv) Plurality of the Logoi
(v) Two-way Ontological Dependence
(vi) Response Dependence
(vii) The Logos of Ethics and Naturalism
(viii) Critique of the Logos
(ix) Conclusion
2. The Worldhood of Ethics
(i) Introduction
(ii) The Nature of Ethical Facts
(iii) The Domain of the Ethical
(iv) Ethical Orientation
(v) The Thick Concepts and Evaluative Point
(vi) The Centrality of Virtuousness
(vii) Conclusion
3. The Concealment of Ethics
(i) Introduction
(ii) Four Ways of Covering up
(iii) Relation between the Logoi
(iv) The Fundamental Integrating Logos: The Logos of Dwelling
4. Thick Concept Centralism and Objectivity
(i) Introduction
(ii) Thick Concepts as Prototype Concepts
(iii) Objectivity and Perspectivism
(iv) The Slave Revolt in Ethics
(v) Williams’ Critique
(vi) Nietzsche, Williams, and Objectivity in Ethics
(vii) The Virtue of Objectivity
(viii) Conclusion
Part II: Nature
5. Eudaimonistic versus Target Centred Virtue Ethics
(i) What is Eudaimonistic Virtue Ethics?
(ii) Indirection and Target Centred Virtue Ethics
(iii) Target Centred Virtue Ethics: ‘Everywhere Direct’
(iv) Target Centred Virtue Ethics and Right Action
(v) Overall Virtuousness
6. Basic Virtue and Differentiated Virtue
(i) Introduction
(ii) Taking Ethical Differentiation Seriously
(iii) Basic and Differentiated Virtue
(iv) Narrative Differentiation
(v) Historical Differentiation
(vi) Burdened Differentiation
(vii) Cultural Differentiation
(viii) Conclusion
7. Target Centred Virtue Ethics and Role Ethics
(i) Introduction
(ii) The ‘Standard Conception’ of the Lawyer’s Role
(iii) Orthodox Virtue Ethics and Role Ethics
(iv) Target Centred Virtue Ethics Applied to Roles
(v) Relations between Reasons of Basic Virtue and Reasons of Role-differentiated Virtue
(vi) Role-Differentiated Virtue and Immorality
(vii) Conclusion
8. Developmental Virtue Ethics
(i) Developmentalism
(ii) Developmentalism, Natural Goodness, and Flourishing
(iii) Virtue and Development
(iv) The Roots of Virtue and Prosocial Behaviour
(v) Virtue in Children
(vi) Mature Virtue
9. Pluralistic Virtue Ethics
(i) Plural Grounds of Virtue
(ii) Bases of Ethical Response
(iii) The Unity of the Virtues
(iv) Plurality in a Virtue-Centred Conception of Practical Rationality
(v) Conclusion
Part III: Application
10. Has Virtue Ethics Sold Out?
(i) Introduction
(ii) What Is Anscombe Claiming?
(iii) The Notion of the Moral
(iv) Virtue Ethical Accounts of Rightness and the Deontic
(v) Rightness and Vagueness
(vi) Conclusion
11. A Particularist but Codifiable Virtue Ethics
(i) Introduction
(ii) Codifiability and Virtue Rules
(iii) V-rules and Default Reasons
(iv) Default Reasons and Particularism
(v) Virtue Rules and Decisive Moral Principles
(vi) The Burden of Proof
(vii) Conclusion
12. The Wrong Logos: Paradoxes of Practical Reason
(i) Access Through the Wrong Logos
(ii) Supererogation
(iii) The Paradox of Underdetermination
(iv) The ‘It Makes no Difference’ Paradox
13. An Epistemology for Target Centred Virtue Ethics
(i) Introduction: The Knowledge Foundation
(ii) Qualified Agent Virtue Ethical Epistemology
(iii) Epistemic Virtue
(iv) Target-Centred Virtue Ethical Epistemology
(v) Target-Centred Virtue Ethical Epistemology and Justification
(vi) A Problem
(vii) Conclusion
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Target Centred,Virtue Ethics Christine,Christine Swanton