Taylor and Kelly’s Dermatology for Skin of Color 2nd Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780071805520,0071805524,9780071805537, 0071805532
Product details:
- ISBN 10:0071805532
- ISBN 13:9780071805537
- Author: Susan C. Taylor; A. Paul Kelly; Henry Lim; Ana Maria Anido Serrano
Table contents:
Section 1: Definitions, Epidemiology, and Cultural Considerations
Section 2: Structure, Function, and Biology
Section 3: Cutaneous Disorders
Section 4: Hair, Scalp, and Nail Disorders
Section 5: Follicular, Sebaceous, and Sweat Gland Disorders
Section 6: Skin Cancer
Section 7: Pigmentary Disorders
Section 8: Mucosal Disorders
Section 9: Dermatologic Infections
Section 10: Cutaneous Manifestations of Systemic Diseases
Section 11: Cosmetic Dermatology
Section 12: Special Populations
Section 13: International Dermatology
Section 14: Pioneers in Dermatology
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