Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy 3rd Edition by Vishram Singh – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 8131246833, 9788131246832
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ISBN-10 : 8131246833
ISBN-13 : 9788131246832
Author: Vishram Singh
This book is primarily designed for UG medical and dental students. Also, it is an authoritative reference source for postgraduates and practicing neurologists and neurosurgeons.
Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy 3rd Table of contents:
1: Development of the Nervous System
Formation of neural tube (Fig. 1.1)
Formation of neural crest cells
Formation of ectodermal placodes
Development of spinal cord
Development of brain
Hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
Midbrain (mesencephalon)
Forebrain (prosencephalon)
2: Organization and Functions of the Nervous System
Divisions of nervous system
Cellular organization of the nervous system
Synaptic transmission
3: Peripheral Nerves and Ganglia
Nerve fibres
Classification of peripheral nerve fibres
Peripheral nerves
Ganglia (Swelling or Knot)
4: Receptors and Effectors
Effector nerve endings
5: Dermatomes and Muscular Activity
Segmental innervation of skin
Segmental innervation of muscles
Muscle tone
Movement and posture
6: Central Nervous System: An Overview
Parts of the brain
Superficial attachments of the cranial nerves
Spinal cord
Ventricular system and CSF in CNS
Meninges and CSF
7: Spinal Cord
Positional changes of the cord
Spinal meninges
External features of the spinal cord
Internal structure of the spinal cord
Tracts of the spinal cord (Fig. 7.15)
Intrinsic spinal mechanisms
Blood supply of the spinal cord
8: Brainstem
Medulla oblongata
General concepts of brainstem lesions
9: Nuclei, Functional Components and Distribution of Cranial Nerves
Morphological classification of cranial nerves
Functional columns and nuclei of cranial nerves
Nuclei, functional components and distribution of individual cranial nerves
Cortical control of cranial nerves
Reflexes mediated by cranial nerves
10: Cerebellum and Fourth Ventricle
Intrinsic neuronal circuitry in the cerebellum
Fourth ventricle
11: Diencephalon and Third Ventricle
Third ventricle
12: Cerebrum
External features of the cerebral hemisphere
The cerebral cortex
Structure of cerebral cortex
Further consideration of motor and sensory areas
Cerebral hemispheric dominance
13: Basal Nuclei (Basal Ganglia)
Corpus striatum
Amygdaloid body
Substantia nigra
Subthalamus (subthalamic nucleus)
Functions of basal nuclei
14: White Matter of the Cerebrum and Lateral Ventricles
White matter of the cerebrum
Corpus callosum (Figs 14.3–14.5)
Anterior commissure
Posterior commissure
Habenular commissure
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Textbook,Clinical Neuroanatomy,Vishram Singh,UG medical, authoritative,postgraduates