The Bible and Feminism: Remapping the Field 1st edition by Yvonne Sherwood – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0191034193, 9780191034190
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ISBN-10 : 0191034193
ISBN-13 : 9780191034190
Author: Yvonne Sherwood
This groundbreaking book breaks with established canons and resists some of the stereotypes of feminist biblical studies. It features a wide range of contributors who showcase new methodological and theoretical movements such as feminist materialisms, intersectionality, postidentitarian ‘nomadic’ politics, gender archaeology, and lived religion, and theories of the human and the posthuman. The Bible and Feminism: Remapping the Field engages a range of social and political issues, including migration and xenophobia, divorce and family law, abortion, ‘pinkwashing’, the neoliberal university, the second amendment, AIDS and sexual trafficking, and the politics of ‘the veil’. Foundational figures in feminist biblical studies work alongside new voices and contributors from a multitude of disciplines in conversations with the Bible that go well beyond the expected canon-within-the-canon assumed to be of interest to feminist biblical scholars. Moving beyond the limits of a text-orientated model of reading, this collection looks at how biblical texts were actualized in the lives of religious revolutionaries, such as Joanna Southcott or Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. It charts the politics of the Pauline veil in the self-understanding of Europe and reads the ‘genealogical halls’ in the book of Chronicles alongside acts of commemoration and forgetting in 9/11 and Tiananmen Square.
The Bible and Feminism: Remapping the Field 1st Table of contents:
Part I Prophets and Revolutionaries
1. Death and the Maiden: Manifestos, Gender, Self-canonization, and Violence
2083: Introduction, Background, and Context
Feminism, Patriarchy, and Authority in 2083
Revelation and Revolution: Introduction, Background, and Context
SCUM Manifesto: Introduction, Background, and Context
Feminism, Patriarchy, and Authority in SCUM Manifesto
Manifestos Compared
2. Joanna Southcott and Mabel Barltrop: Interpreting Genesis and Revelation
Rethinking the Theology of the Fall
3. The First Woman Question: Eve and the Women’s Movement
Eve and the Querelle des Femmes
Eve and First-Wave Feminism
Eve and Second-Wave Feminism
4. Reflections on Reading the Bible: From Flesh to Female Genius
First Steps into Feminist Biblical Interpretation
Julia Kristeva: Tools for the Feminist Biblical Critic?
Feminist Reservations?
What Then of Female Genius?
Jane Leade
Back to the Original Question?
5. Another Esther: Sor Juana’s Biblical Self-Portrait
An Unconventional Life
Converso Indications
Esther/Mary Immaculate
Mary’s Blood: Pure and Unstained
Carta Athenagórica and Sor Filotea’s Letter
Christ/Sor Juana Marked for Suffering
Peter/Sor Juana’s Denial of Being Ex Illis
Final Years
6. Reading ‘The Revelations of the Book / Whose Genesis was June’: Emily Dickinson’s Hermeneutics of the Heart
Dickinson in Her Religious Contexts
From Strategies of Limitation to a Poetics of Interpretive Relation
‘Had But the Tale a Warbling Teller’: The Bible in Dickinson’s Verse and Letters
7. Toni Morrison’s Shulamites: The African-American Song
Flying Solomon
Beloved: Between the Literal and the Allegorical
8. Stood Weeping Outside the Tomb: Dis(re)membering Mary Magdalene
Easter Stories
Dis(re)membering Mary Magdalene
Jane Schaberg’s Plundering
Reconstructing Resurrection
‘Still We Scratch’
Mourning Jane Schaberg
Women at the Tomb
9. Feminist Remappings in Times of Neoliberalism
Remapping Gender and Feminist Biblical Studies
Intersectional Feminist Studies
The Pitfalls of Remapping Feminist Biblical Studies
Remapping Biblical Studies
10. The Wandering Jewess: Feminism Seeks the Shekhinah
Women and Culture
The Task
Part II An Unconventional Tour of The Biblical Canon, Beyond The ‘Canons’ of Feminist/Womanist Criticism
11. The Inheritance of Gehinnom: Feminist Midrash as a Vehicle for Contemporary Bible Criticism
What is midrash?
My Own Approach to Feminist Midrash
An Example: Genesis 1:26
12. Moses, Feminism, and The Male Subject
The End of Men
Moses, the Disappearing Man
The Rise of Masculinity
Gendering Moses
13. Home at Last: The Local Domain and Female Power
Mothers of the Tribes
The Family and the Map
Biblical Space
14. Judges 3 and the Queer Hermeneutics of Carnophallogocentrism
The Queer Hermeneutics of Carnophallogocentrism
But Whence, and Why, Such a Beastly Term?
But What Does Any of This Have to Do with Queer Hermeneutics?
Carnophallogocentrism and the Interpretation of Judges 3
Intertextual Carnophallogocentrism
Queering Carnophallogocentrism
15. Forget it: The Case of Women’s Rituals in Ancient Israel, or How to Remember the Woman of Endor
Using (Nearly) All Her Master’s Tools
Re-Visioning Women’s Rituals in the Hebrew Bible: The Scandalous Ritual of the Woman of Endor in 1 Samuel 28:3–25
The Making of a ‘Witch’: Remembering the Woman of Endor’s Ritual as (More) Inversion and Subversion
16. Sexual Politics and Surveillance: A Feminist, Metonymic, Spinozan Reading of Psalm 139
Feminist Reading Strategy
Surveillance, Scripture, and Political Subjectivity
Texts, Bodies, Emotions, Political Agency
The Poetics of Bodies in Motion
Fragmentation and Extension
Visibility, Fixity, Interiority, Security
Affecting Political Subjectivity
17. A Foolish King, Women, and Wine: A Dangerous Cocktail from Lemuel’s Mother
A Few Textual Notes
Some Notes on the Structure
Who Is His-Mother?
Concluding Remarks
18. My Mother was a Wandering Aramaean: A Nomadic Approach to the Hebrew Bible
De-Iconizing Biblical Scholarship: A Plea for a Nomadic Approach
Nomadic Becoming
Nomadic Bible?
Lot’s Wife—Nomadic Memorial
Ruth: ‘Reinventing a Self as Other’
New Wine in Old Wineskins
19. Queen Vashti’s ‘No’ and What It Can Tell Us About Gender Tools In Biblical Narrative
Genesis 1–3: Situating the Female Body
Tracing Eve’s Daughters Through Genesis and Beyond
Queen Vashti: A Second Eve
20. Miriam ben Amram, or, How to Make Sense of the Absence of Women in the Genealogies of Levi (1 Chronicles 5.27–6.66)
Reading the Genealogies of Levi Along the Grain
Reading the Genealogies of Levi for Gaps and Absence
Complementarity and Absence: Interlocking Dynamics in the Genealogies of Levi
21. The Politics of Remembrance: Genealogies of 1 Chronicles 1–9 and Haunting Memories in China
Introduction: The Play of Memories
What Memory: What and Who to Remember?
Genealogies for Whom? 1 Chronicles 1–9
The Duty to Remember
22. Corporal Ignorance: The Refusal of Embodied Memory
Trauma, collective memory, and corporal knowledge
On not hearing: corporal ignorance
23. Can an Adulteress Save Jesus? the Pericope Adulterae, Feminist Interpretation, and the Limits of Narrative Agency
Prelude: A Time and Place
An Adulteress, Rescued
Narrative Desire, Homosocial Triangles, and the Female Object
Adultery Scenarios
Competing Triangles
Wishing for Change
Recognition before the Law
Epilogue: Waiting for Utopia
24. Pinkwashing Paul, Excepting Jesus: The Politics of Intersectionality, Identification, and Respectability
Pre-Wash: Defining Pinkwashing
Soak: Past and Present Feminist Approaches
Heavy Load: Pinkwashing Paul
Repeat: Excepting Jesus … and the Scholar?
Repeat: Feminist Reflexes (Instead of a Conclusion)
25. Embodied Temporalities: Health, Illness, and the Matter of Feminist Biblical Interpretation
Expanding Intersectionality
Material Biblical Interpretation: Late Antique Healing and Relational Ontologies
Ephesians as a Cautionary Tale about Relational Ethics
Afterlives and Halflives
26. Unveiling the European Woman
The Text and Its Reception
Part III Offpage: Actualizations and Performances of Scripture Beyond Protestant Models of ‘Reading’
27. The Ancient Goddess, the Biblical Scholar, and the Religious Past: Re-imaging Divine Women
Imaging Goddesses: Body and Gender
Imaging Goddesses: Characterizing the Divine
Reflection and Refraction
28. Seeing Double: Textual and Archaeological Images of Israelite Women
‘Official’ Sources Versus Other Kinds of Information
Methodological Considerations: Locating the Data
Methodological Considerations: Interpreting the Data
Archaeology and Gender: Examples
Concluding Comments
29. ‘Limping, Yet Made to Climb a Mountain!’ Re-Reading the Vashti Character in the Hiv And Aids South African Context
Found Limping by Foreign Patriarchal Systems
Challenged Masculinities, a Contributing Factor
The Challenge of HIV and AIDS (and the Bible)
Re-Reading the Vashti Character in the Context of HIV and AIDS in South Africa
30. The Reproductive Rite: (In)Fertility in the Ashanti and Ancient Hebrew Context
Where in the World? Locating Our Context(s)
Infertility: The Obstacle to The Rite of Wom(b)anhood
The Reproductive Rite
The Infertility Narratives of Sarah and Rebekah
31. ‘But I Still Read The Bible!’: Post-Christian Women’s Biblicalism
Researching Post-Christian Women’s Biblicism
Sacred and Secular Literatures: Making the Distinction
Implying the Reader
Turning to real readers
Rejecting and Reading
32. Sneaky Snakes: Seduction, the Biblical Imagination, and Activating Art
A Sneaky Appearance of a Snake
An Intercultural Snake
The Dialogic Look
Today’s Snake: Emotional Capitalism
33. Material World: Gender and the Bible in Evangelical Purity Culture
Purity and Scripture
Girl-bibles: Gendering the Good Book
Gendering Bibles, Sexual Purity, and the Feminine Ideal
The Material Culture of Sexual Purity
34. Muslim Liberative Approaches and Legal Dilemmas Towards Gender Justice
35. Scripturalizing and the Second Amendment
The Text Itself
The Rites of Second Amendment Institution
Boys Scouts and Annie Oakleys
Armed Citizens
Go Ahead, Make My Day
Conscripting Women
Protecting the Text
36. The Impossibility of Queering the Mother: New Sightings of the Virgin Mother in the ‘Secular’ State
The Suffragette Madonna
M/F and the Biopolitics of Gender
The Paper Father
Queer Origins
Family Records and the Tender Years Doctrine
Solomonic Judgments
Contemporary Mythologies of the Father Compared to Ancient Father Myths
Eve, Abraham, and Dr Foster: Anxious Origin Myths
The Absent Father and the Virgin Mother
The Theology and Statistics of Divorce
New Versions of the Holy Mother, Recently Reborn
Forms and Social Liturgies of Divorce
Leaving Home: Home/House and the Economy
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The Bible,Feminism,Remapping,the Field,Yvonne Sherwood