The Ecology of Tropical East Asia 3rd Edition by Richard T. Corlett – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192549030, 9780192549037
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ISBN-10 : 0192549030
ISBN-13 : 9780192549037
Author : Richard T. Corlett
Tropical East Asia is home to over one billion people and faces massive human impacts from its rising population and rapid economic growth. It has already lost more than half of its forest cover to agriculture and urbanization, and has the highest rates of deforestation and logging in the tropics. Habitat loss, coupled with hunting and the relentless trade in wildlife products, threatens all its large and many of its smaller vertebrates. Despite these problems, the region still supports an estimated 15-25% of global terrestrial biodiversity and a growing environmental awareness means that it is no longer assumed that economic development justifies environmental damage, and no longer accepted that this trade-off is inevitable.
The Ecology of Tropical East Asia 3rd Table of contents:
CHAPTER 1. Environmental history
1.1 Why ‘Tropical East Asia’?
1.2 The importance of history
1.3 Plate tectonics and the origin of Tropical East Asia
1.4 Sea-level changes
1.5 Changes in climate and vegetation
1.6 Extraterrestrial impacts, volcanoes, and other natural catastrophes
1.7 The first humans
1.8 The arrival of modern humans
1.9 The spread of agriculture
1.10 Exploitation of wild species
1.11 Fire
1.12 Urbanization
1.13 The dawn of the Anthropocene
CHAPTER 2. Physical geography
2.1 Weather and climate
2.1.1 Temperature
2.1.2 Day length and insolation
2.1.3 Rainfall
2.1.4 Water from fog
2.1.5 Interannual variation in rainfall
2.1.6 Impacts of land-use change on local and regional climates
2.1.7 Hail, snow, and ice
2.1.8 Wind
2.1.9 Lightning
2.2 Fires
2.3 Soils
2.3.1 Soil classifications
2.3.2 Landslides and soil erosion
2.4 Classifying vegetation
2.5 Lowland vegetation
2.5.1 Tropical rainforests
2.5.2 Tropical seasonal evergreen forests
2.5.3 Tropical deciduous forests
2.5.4 Subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests
2.5.5 Forests on extreme soil types
2.5.6 Secondary forests
2.5.7 Logged forests
2.5.8 Bamboo forests
2.5.9 Savannas and grasslands
2.5.10 Shrublands and thickets
2.5.11 Beach vegetation and coastal forests
2.5.12 Plantations
2.5.13 Agroforestry
2.5.14 Other dryland crops
2.6 Montane vegetation
2.7 Wetlands
2.7.1 Mangrove forests
2.7.2 Brackish water swamp forests
2.7.3 Freshwater swamp forests
2.7.4 Peat swamp forests
2.7.5 Herbaceous swamps
2.7.6 Paddy fields
2.8 Urban areas
CHAPTER 3. Biogeography
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Origins of the biogeographical regions
3.3 Biogeographical transitions
3.3.1 Tropical East Asia and the Australian Region
3.3.2 Tropical East Asia and the Palaearctic Region
3.3.3 Tropical East Asia and India
3.4 How many species are there in Tropical East Asia?
3.5 Patterns of diversity within Tropical East Asia
3.6 Subdividing Tropical East Asia
3.7 Island biogeography
3.7.1 Continental islands on the Sunda Shelf
3.7.2 Hainan and Taiwan
3.7.3 Ryukyu (Nansei) Islands
3.7.4 Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands
3.7.5 Krakatau
3.7.6 Andaman and Nicobar Islands
3.7.7 Islands off the west coast of Sumatra
3.7.8 The Philippines
3.7.9 Sulawesi
3.7.10 Sangihe and Talaud Islands
3.7.11 Nusa Tenggara
3.7.12 Maluku
CHAPTER 4. The ecology of plants: from seed to seed
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Study sites
4.3 Plant phenology
4.3.1 Leaf phenology
4.3.2 Reproductive phenology
4.3.3 Bamboos and Strobilanthes
4.3.4 General flowering in lowland dipterocarp forests
4.3.5 Reproductive phenology in other forest types
4.3.6 Figs
4.4 Pollination
4.4.1 Wind
4.4.2 Bees and wasps
4.4.3 Beetles
4.4.4 Flies
4.4.5 Butterflies and moths
4.4.6 Thrips and other insects
4.4.7 Birds
4.4.8 Bats and other mammals
4.5 Seed dispersal
4.5.1 Wind, water, and mechanical dispersal
4.5.2 Birds
4.5.3 Bats
4.5.4 Primates
4.5.5 Carnivores
4.5.6 Terrestrial herbivores
4.5.7 Rodents
4.5.8 Ants and wasps
4.5.9 People
4.6 Gene flow by pollen and seeds
4.7 Seed predation and seed pathogens
4.8 Germination and seedling establishment
4.9 The seedling stage
4.10 Sapling to adult
4.11 Sprouts and resprouting
4.12 Tree guilds
4.13 Other life forms
4.13.1 Lianas
4.13.2 Ground herbs
4.13.3 Epiphytes
4.13.4 Hemi-epiphytes and stranglers
4.13.5 Parasites
4.14 The maintenance of species diversity in tropical forests
4.15 Functional traits, phylogeny, and community assembly
4.16 Forest succession
4.17 Prediction in plant ecology
CHAPTER 5. The ecology of animals: foods and feeding
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Herbivores
5.2.1 Leaf eaters
5.2.2 Shoot feeders, bark feeders, and wood feeders
5.2.3 Root feeders
5.2.4 Sap suckers
5.2.5 Ants as ‘cryptic herbivores’
5.2.6 Gall formers
5.2.7 Flower visitors
5.2.8 Frugivores
5.2.9 Granivores
5.3 Detritivores
5.4 Carnivores
5.4.1 Invertebrate feeders
5.4.2 Vertebrate feeders
5.4.3 Blood feeders
5.5 Parasites and parasitoids
5.6 Omnivores
5.7 Scavengers
5.8 Coprophages
CHAPTER 6. Energy and nutrients
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Water
6.3 Energy and carbon
6.3.1 Primary production
6.3.2 Biomass
6.3.3 Net ecosystem production and exchange
6.4 Soil nutrients
6.4.1 Nitrogen
6.4.2 Phosphorus
6.4.3 Essential cations
6.4.4 Micronutrients
6.4.5 Aluminium, manganese, hydrogen, and metal hyperaccumulation
6.5 Animal nutrition
CHAPTER 7. Threats to terrestrial biodiversity
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The ultimate causes of biodiversity loss
7.2.1 The growth of human populations
7.2.2 Poverty
7.2.3 Corruption and poor governance
7.2.4 Globalization
7.3 Major threats to biodiversity in Tropical East Asia: habitat loss
7.3.1 Deforestation
7.3.2 Fragmentation
7.3.3 Mining
7.3.4 Urbanization and the infrastructure development
7.4 Major threats to biodiversity in Tropical East Asia: exploitation
7.4.1 Logging
7.4.2 Collection of non-timber forest products
7.4.3 Hunting
7.5 Fires
7.6 Invasive species, native winners, and biotic homogenization
7.7 Diseases of wildlife, people, and plants
7.8 Air pollution and nutrient enrichment
7.9 Climate change
7.9.1 Drivers and mechanisms
7.9.2 Observations and predictions
7.9.3 Impacts
7.10 Predicting extinctions
CHAPTER 8. Conservation in the Anthropocene
8.1 Introduction: why conserve biodiversity?
8.2 Who should pay and how?
8.2.1 Funding from domestic governments and foreign aid
8.2.2 The role of non-governmental organizations
8.2.3 Voluntary conservation measures: philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, and socially r
8.2.4 Crowdfunding
8.2.5 Payments for ecosystem services
8.2.6 REDD+
8.2.7 Biodiversity offsets
8.2.8 Tourism
8.2.9 Sustainability standards, certification, and ecolabels
8.3 What should be protected?
8.3.1 Surrogates in conservation planning
8.3.2 Setting priorities
8.4 Protecting areas
8.4.1 Establishing new protected areas
8.4.2 Enhancing protection for existing protected areas
8.4.3 Community-based conservation
8.5 Sustainable exploitation
8.5.1 Logging and the collection of non-timber forest products
8.5.2 Hunting
8.5.3 Controlling trade
8.6 Countryside conservation: managing the matrix
8.7 Environmental Impact Assessment
8.8 Controlling fires
8.9 Managing invasive species
8.10 Minimizing global climate change and its impacts in Tropical East Asia
8.10.1 Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
8.10.2 Minimizing impacts
8.10.3 Biofuels
8.11 Air pollution
8.12 Ex situ conservation
8.12.1 Animals
8.12.2 Plants
8.13 Ecological restoration and reintroduction
8.13.1 Restoring forests
8.13.2 Reintroducing species
8.13.3 Rewilding
8.14 Conservation leakage
8.15 Education
8.16 Citizen science
8.17 The way forward for biodiversity conservation in Tropical East Asia
8.18 Final words
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The Ecology,Tropical East Asia,Richard Corlett