The Effect of Fines on Critical State and Liquefaction Resistance Characteristics of Non Plastic Silty Sands 1st edition by Anthi Papadopoulou, Theodora Tika – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery
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• Author: Anthi Papadopoulou, Theodora Tika
Monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests were carried out on sand-silt mixtures for the investigation of the effect of fines content on their critical state and liquefaction resistance characteristics. Both the undrained and the drained monotonic tests produce a unique critical state line for each tested mixture, which moves downwards with increasing fines content up to a threshold value of 35% and then upwards. At a given void ratio and mean effective stress, the liquefaction resistance ratio decreases with increasing fines content up to the same threshold value of 35%, and increases thereafter with further increasing fines content. However, at a given intergranular void ratio, defined as the ratio of the volume of fines plus voids to that of sand particles, liquefaction resistance ratio increases with increasing fines content up to the threshold value. The threshold fines content value, which is an important parameter in determining the transition from the sand dominated to the silt dominated behaviour of sand-silt mixtures, is related to their particle packing. An expression is proposed for the estimation of the threshold fines content as a function of the mean diameter ratio, d50/D50, and the void ratio. The results, presented herein, also show that for each tested mixture the liquefaction resistance ratio is related to the state parameter and that this relation is influenced by the effective stress level and fines content. The results on the sand-silt mixtures are supported by similar results on natural silty sands.
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The Effect of Fines,Liquefaction Resistance Characteristics,Anthi Papadopoulou, Theodora Tika