The Institutions of Extraterrestrial Liberty Charles S. Cockell (Editor) – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780192897985,0192897985, 9780192651570, 0192651579
Product details:
• ISBN 10: 0192651579
• ISBN 13: 9780192651570
• Author:
The exploration of space raises new problems in the expression of human freedoms. While the potential to establish new extraterrestrial settlements is thrilling, it also brings along a myriad of decisions to consider when addressing how these settlements should operate in a way which maintains human liberties. In this book, many dimensions of freedom in space are discussed. Aspects of liberty beyond Earth, from the near term: freedom to claim satellite orbits, to the very long-term: freedom on interstellar worldships, are considered. Gathering a diverse set of expertise from scientists, ethicists, lawyers, philosophers and social scientists, they seek to collectively answer questions such as: How should early governance structures be assembled? What are the ideal forms of institutions, from science academies to schools and governments? What freedoms can people expect in space and how will governance beyond Earth tread the fine line between authority and liberty?
Table contents:
1. Towards Posthumanism
2. Mutually Assured Stewarded Autonomy
3. Place-based Experimental Spaces in Future Crafting and Social Innovation
4. Wisdoms of the Formerly Incarcerated
5. Principles of New Liberties—Lessons from Place-based Stewarded Mutu..
6. Conclusions and Speculative Futures
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