The Material Logic of John of St Thomas Basic Treatises 1st edition by John Of Thomas- Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:0226758494, 9780226758497
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ISBN 10: 0226758494
ISBN 13: 9780226758497
Author: John of St. Thomas
in knowing). It should not be held that John of St. Thomas is too difficult for beginners. As you say in your introduction “It is the privilege of a patient teacher to become less and less difficult to follow as the work of teaching goes on. A beginner who refuses to be discouraged by initial difficulties will soon notice that things are no longer so hard, and by that time he has already learned a great deal. The style of the translation, which will be of great help to beginners, will also play a significant part on the level of advanced research. Trained logicians, including those who have access to the Latin text, will notice that your sharp and graphic expressions often bring about helpful insights into obscure issues and a fresh understanding of familiar ones. You remark that “intense and luminous life may find expression in scholastic language.” In spite of the known difficulty of trans- lating scholastic language into a vernacular, I expect that through this translation the quiet ardor of intellectual life that we admire so much in the Courses of John of St. Thomas will endear itself to many readers.
The Material Logic of John of St Thomas Basic Treatises 1st Table of contents:
Introduction to the Second Part of Logic
Question 1. On the Nature and Domain of Logic
Article 1. Whether the art of logic is unqualifiedly neces- sary for the acquisition of the other sciences
Article 2. Whether logic is both a true science and an art
Article 3. Whether the being of reason known as second intention is the formal and adequate object of logic
Article 4. Whether logic is a theoretical or a practical science..
Article 5. Meaning of the distinction between doctrinal logic and logic in use.
Question 2. On the Logical Being of Reason
Article 1. Nature and division of the being of reason
Article 2. Nature and division of the second intention or logical relation of reason
Article 3. On the distinctions of reasoned and reasoning reason and on the corresponding unities..
Question 3. On the Universal Considered in Itself..
Article 1. Where the various meanings of the universal anc its definition are explained.
Article 2. Whether the universal understood materially and as a subject is found in the real..
Article 3. Whether formal unity, as distinct from singular unity, belongs to the nature prior to the operation of the intellect.
Article 4. Whether aptitude to be in many and indifference with regard to being in many belong to things inde- pendently of the operation of the intellect..
Article 5. Whether universality consists essentially in a relation
Article 6. Whether in any nature whatsoever metaphysical degrees are distinguished only according to a dis- tinction of reason, or whether their distinction results from the nature of the thing.
Question 13. On the Antepredicaments and the Analogues
Article 1. What antepredicaments are and why Aristotle treated of them in this place.
Article 2. Definition and division of the equivocals…
Article 3. Nature and forms of analogy
Article 4. On the features proper to the various analogue
Article 5. Whether an analogous concept enjoys unity by way of abstraction from its inferiors
Question 14. On the Division of Being into Ten Categories.
Article 1. What is a category, and what are the condition that an object must satisfy in order to fall under a category?
Article 2. Whether the division of being into ten categori is univocal or analogous.
Article 3. In what kind of analogy is being analogous?.
Article 4. Whether the division of the accident Into nine genera is univocal.
Article 5. Whether the division into ten categories is adequate and sound.
Question 15. On Substance.
Article 1. What is the formal determination which consti- tutes predicamental substance?
Article 2. On the division of substance into primary and secondary. Whether this division is sound
Article 3. Where the definitions of primary and secondary substances are explained
Article 4. What things are excluded from this category am what things are placed in it…
Article 5. Whether the aptitude to bear contrary forms is property of substance in the fourth sense of the wom property
Question 16. On Quantity.
Article 1. The proper and formal constitutive of quantity
Article 2. Whether discrete quantity is a true species of quantity
Article 3. Whether time and motion, place and speech, should be excluded from the species of quantity..
Article 4. Whether line, surface, and solid are genuine species of quantity
Question 17. On Relation.
Article 1. Whether any relations are real and have the character of intrinsic forms.
Article 2. What conditions should a relation satisfy in order to be predicamental?
Article 3. Divisions and species of the predicamental
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