The Practice of Socialist Internationalism: European Socialists and International Politics, 1914-1960 1st edition by Talbot Imlay – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0191015326 9780191015328
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0191015326
ISBN-13 : 9780191015328
Author : Talbot Imlay
The Practice of Socialist Internationalism examines the efforts of the British, French, and German socialist parties to cooperate with one another on concrete international issues. Drawing on archival research from twelve countries, it spans the years from the First World War to the early 1960s, paying particular attention to the two post-war periods, during which national and international politics were recast. In addition to highlighting a neglected dimension of twentieth-century European socialism, the volume provides novel perspectives on the history of internationalism and the history of international politics. By practicing internationalism, European socialists sought to forge a new practice of international relations, one that would emerge from their collective efforts to work out ‘socialist’ approaches to pressing issues of international politics such as post-war reconstruction, European integration, and decolonization.
The Practice of Socialist Internationalism: European Socialists and International Politics, 1914-1960 1st Table of contents:
1: International Socialism at War, 1914–1918
August 1914
Wartime Socialist Internationalism : 1914–1917
The STILLBORN Stockholm Conference (1917)
Renewed Efforts For An International Socialist Conference: 1917–1918
Final Efforts For An International Socialist Conference: 1918
Part I: The Interwar Years
2: Reconstituting the International, 1918–1923
To Berne: November 1918 to February 1919
The Berne Conference, February 1919
The Komintern and the Challenge of Comunist Internationalism
Developments in Britain, Germany, and France
Multiple Internationals
Initial Attempts at Unity
The Sfio Seizes the Initiative
The Failure of Tripartite Negotiations
The Reconstitution of the International
3: European Socialists and the International Order, 1918–1925
Before the Versailes Peace Treaty
Initial Reactions to the Peace Treaty
The Complexities of National Self-Determination: the Case of Upper Silesia
The Brewing International Crisis: Reparations
International Socialism and the Occupation of the Ruhr
Developments Within the British, German, and French Parties
European Socialists and the Dawes Plan
European Socialists and European Security: Initial Dificulties
European Socialists and European Security: Ongoing Dificulties
European Socialists and European Security: Differences Exacerbated
European Socialists and Locarno
4: The Quest for Disarmament, 1925–1933
International Socialism and Disarmament: Initial Views
European Socialist Parties and Disarmament
Disarmament Moves to the Forefront of International Politics
European Socialists and the Paul -Boncour Case
The Panzerkreuzer Affair
Hopes Shattered: Labour’s Minority Government
The Travails of Naval Disarmament
The Lsi’s Petition Campaign
Separate Paths
5: European Socialists and Empire between the Wars
The Pre-1918 Legacy
1918–1919: The Response to the Peace Treaties
The Comunist Chalenge
European Socialists and the Rif War
Questioning Colonialism
European Socialists and the League Against Imperialism
Preparations For the Lsi’s Congres
The Lsi’s Brussels Congres, August 1928
European Socialists and Colonial Appeasement
Entr’acte: Socialist Internationalism during the 1930s
Responses to Fascism
Developments Within the Parties
The Lsi’s Final Crisis
PART II: The Post-War Years
6: Reconstituting the International, 1940–1951
Early Wartim e Cooperati on
The Revival of Socialist Internationalism
Developments Within the Parties, 1945–1947
Forging an International: The Initial Steps, 1946–1947
Practical Cooperation: European Socialists and The Marshal Plan
The Development of Practical Cooperation, 1949–1950
Advancing Towards an International
The Founding of the Socialist International
7: Constructing Europe, 1945–1960
Initial Support for European Unity
Practical Issues I: The Ruhr
Practical Issues II: The Marshal Plan
Practical Issues III: The European Movement and The European Council
The Schuman Plan
1951–1955: From The Schuman Plan to The Rome Treaties
The Rome Treaties and The Common Market
Labour, European Socialists, and The Eec
8: The Cold War and European Security, 1950–1960
The Persistence of Third Force Thinking
The Pleven Plan and German Rearmament: Initial Reactions
Developments at The Party Level
The Edc and The Practice of International Socialism
Socialist Responses to The Paris Accords
The Emergence of Disengagement, 1955–1957
1957–1958: The Labour–Spd Axis
The Spd, International Socialism, and The Deutschlandplan, 1959
Labour and Disarmament
The Sfio and The End of Disarmament
9: The Stakes of Decolonization, 1945–1960
The Persistence of The Trusteeship Framewor
European Socialists Champion Development, 1950–1952
European Socialists and The Asian Socialist Conference
European Socialists and Minority Rights
International Socialism and The Algerian War
The Sfio, Algeria, and Socialist Internationalism
The Sfio, Minority Rights, and Eurafrique
The Asc’s Decline
French Socialists and Minority Rights
The Spd, National Rights, and Development
Labour, Minority Rights, and The Comonwealth
The Fate of Socialist Internationalism
The Lost Promise of Socialist Internationalism
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