The Presidentialization of Political Parties in Russia Kazakhstan and Belarus 1st edition by Palgrave Macmillan – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9783031259777, 3031259777
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:3031259777
• ISBN 13:9783031259777
• Author:Palgrave Macmillan
The Presidentialization of Political Parties in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus
This book analyses the presidentialization of parties in three countries of the post-Soviet space – Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan – and the role of this phenomenon in their recent political history. The concept of presidentialization of politics means that parties tend to adjust by becoming ‘presidentialised’ in the sense that parties delegate their leaders-as- Presidents to shape both their electoral and governing strategies. The presidentialization of parties refers to institutional resources, constraints and opportunities. It can be also described both as centralization of leadership and a style of government, overlapping with that of personalization of politics that it consists of personal characteristics, attitudes, personal capital and charisma in making politics, instead. Since their introduction, the concept of presidentialization have been mostly analysed within the Western or other democratic countries. Very little attention, however, has been paid to the phenomenon presidentialization of political parties in non-democratic countries or in countries with a transitional form of government . This volume enhances our theoretical understanding of the political role of the Presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus in controlling the legislative space and elected officials.
The Presidentialization of Political Parties in Russia Kazakhstan and Belarus 1st Table of contents:
Front Matter
1. The Presidentialization and the Party of Power in Post-soviet States
2. The Presidentialization of Russian Political Parties
3. The Presidentialization of Kazakh Political Parties
4. The Presidentialization of Belarusian Political Parties
5. The Presidentialization of Political Parties in Post-soviet States: Theoretical Challenges
Back Matter
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The Presidentialization,Parties in Russia,Belarus Marina Glaser,Palgrave Macmillan