The Problem of War: Darwinism, Christianity, and Their Battle to Understand Human Conflict 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780190867577,0190867574,9780190867591, 0190867590
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 0190867590
- ISBN-13: 9780190867591
- Author: Michael Ruse
Testing and confirming this claim, The Problem of War is an in-depth study of Christians and of Darwinians on the theme of war. It covers a wide range of thinkers: on the Christian side from Augustine to modern theologians such as Reinhold Niebuhr and Karl Barth, to the present Regius Professor of Theology at Oxford Nigel Biggar; and on the Darwinian side from Darwin himself to more modern thinkers like Konrad Lorenz, Frans de Waal, and the present Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard, Steven Pinker. Ruse shows that the dynamic between Darwinians and Christians has not been a straightforward opposition, and complicates as it moves through the 20th century, as some Christian thinkers start to favor the inevitability of war and Darwinians acknowledge the idea of moral progress. Ruse shows how in some cases, some were even able to integrate Darwinian and Christian perspectives on war. Best categorized as intellectual history, The Problem of War is a narrative, using a wide and deep breadth of knowledge and references to reveal nuances in how war as a core function of human nature has been understood. By appreciating the religious nature of the dispute, Ruse helps to foster a better understanding of the ongoing criticisms of Darwinism and creates a way for differing Christian and Darwinian perspectives to indeed find common meeting ground.
Table contents:
1 Darwinian Evolutionary Theory
2 Darwinism as Religion
3 Two Visions of War
4 Darwinism After Darwin
5 Onward Christian Soldiers
6 The Biology of War
7 Realists and Pacifists
8 From Hitler to UNESCO
9 The Bomb and Vietnam
10 Darwinian Theory Comes of Age
11 Rival Paradigms
12 Moving Forward
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