The Psychology of Global Crises and Crisis Politics: Intervention, Resistance, Decolonization 1st edition by Irene Strasser – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 3030769399, 9783030769390
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 3030769399
ISBN-13 : 9783030769390
Author : Irene Strasser
This edited volume brings together some of the most prominent scholars in the fields of theoretical, critical, and political psychology to examine crisis phenomena. The book investigates the role of psychology as a science in times of crisis, discusses how socio-political change affects the discipline and profession, and renders psychological interventions as forms of political action. The authors examine how notions of crisis and the interpretation of crisis scenarios are heavily intertwined with governmental and state interests. Seeking to disentangle individual subjectivity, subjectification, and science as forms of politics, the volume works toward an explicit goal to decolonize psychology. The chapters elaborate on the importance of the psychological sciences in times of crisis and the role of psychologists as practitioners. Ultimately, the diverse contributions underline the connection of scientific theory, practice, and politics. Interdisciplinary in scope and wide-ranging in its perspectives, this timely work will appeal to students and scholars of theoretical and political psychology, critical psychology, and cultural studies.
The Psychology of Global Crises and Crisis Politics: Intervention, Resistance, Decolonization 1st Table of contents:
1. Crises, Politics, Psychology—An Introduction
Part I. Decolonization
2. Assembling the Psycurity Accord in Response to the Early COVID-19 Outbreak in Aotearoa New Zealand
3. Amerindian Paths Through Recurrent Sociocultural Crises
4. The Pandemic is a Mirror: Decolonizing Psychology and Racism in Times of COVID-19 Crisis
5. The Sense of a Pandemic: Test, Trials, and Turbulence in the Indian Subcontinent
6. Necropolitics, Epistemic Injustice, and the Recurring Crises of Psychology
7. Psychologies Otherwise & Earthwise: Pluriversal Approaches to the Crises of Climate, Equity, and Health
Part II. Interventions
8. Eco-Anxiety and Psycho-Terratic Paradigms of Practice: A View From Australia
9. Lockdown Vistas: Time, Space, Solidarity, Action
10. Pandemic, Fatalism, and Psychology’s Paralysis: How to Promote the Strengthening of People and Groups in Brazil
11. Preparing for the Wrong Emergency: Visions of Generation Changing Events
Part III. Science and Politics
12. Pseudo-Science and ‘Fake’ News: ‘Inventing’ Epidemics and the Police State
13. Crisis Within Crisis Within Crisis: Global Pandemic; Mass Unemployment; Anti-Capitalist Critique?
14. The Covid-19 Pandemic and the Crisis of Signification in Israel/Palestine: Biopolitics, Reinvented Communism, and Conspiracy Theories
15. Viral Resistance
16. Essay on Fascist Subjectivity
17. Decolonize Psychology
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Tags: The Psychology, Global Crises, Crisis Politics, Intervention, Resistance, Decolonization, Irene Strasser