The technology of wafers and waffles. I, Operational aspects 1st Edition by Karl F. Tiefenbacher – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0128114525, 9780128114520
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0128114525
ISBN-13 : 9780128114520
Author: Karl Tiefenbacher
The Technology of Wafers and Waffles: Operational Aspects is the definitive reference book on wafer and waffle technology and manufacture. It covers specific ingredient technology (including water quality, wheat flour, starches, dextrins, oils and fats) and delves extensively into the manufacturing elements and technological themes in wafer manufacturing, including no/low sugar wafers, hygroscopic wafers, fillings and enrobing.
The technology of wafers and waffles. I, Operational aspects 1st Table of contents:
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Terminology and Definitions in Wafers and Waffles
1.2 Wafers and Waffles—Some Historical Glimpses
Chapter Two: Technology of Main Ingredients—Water and Flours
2.1 Water—Properties and Functions in Wafer and Waffles
2.2 Wheat Flour for Wafer and Waffle Manufacturing
2.3 Nonwheat Flours, Starches, Dextrins and Fibres
Chapter Three: Technology of Main Ingredients—Sweeteners and Lipids
3.1 Technology of Sugars, Syrups, Sugar Replacements and Sweeteners
3.2 Technology of Oils and Fats for Wafers and Waffles
3.3 Lecithin and Other Emulsifiers in Wafers and Waffles
Chapter Four: Technology of Minor Ingredients for Wafers and Waffles
4.1 Introduction and Overview
4.2 Physical, Chemical and Biological Leavening
4.3 Wafer Enzymes and Chemical Additives
4.4 Wafer and Waffle Rework, Baking Scrap
4.5 Milk-Based Ingredients
4.6 Egg-Based Ingredients
4.7 Colouring by Food Colourants and Coloured Foods
Chapter Five: Adjuncts—Filling Creams, Inclusions, Cacao and Chocolate
5.1 Introduction and Overview
5.2 Filling Creams on a Sugar–Fat Basis
5.3 Filling Cream Alternatives
5.4 Inclusions and Toppings
5.5 Cocoa and Cocoa Products
5.6 Chocolate and Chocolate Surrogates
5.7 Enrobing
5.8 Minor Applications: Moulding into Chocolate, Panning, Spraying
Chapter Six: Wafer Sheet Manufacturing: Technology and Products
6.1 Introduction and Overview
6.2 The Wafer Batter: Recipe, Preparation, and Handling
6.3 The Wafer Baking Process: Technical and Operational Side
6.4 The Wafer Baking Process: Technology
6.5 From the Wafer Sheet to the Sugar Wafer Cookie
6.6 Quality Assurance in Wafer Manufacturing
6.7 Concluding Remarks: Indulgence and Nutritional Aspects
6.8 Wafer Paper
Chapter Seven: Technology of Other Crisp Wafers
7.1 Introduction and Overview
7.2 Technology of Molded Wafer Cones and Cups
7.3 Technology of Rolled Sugar Wafer Cones
7.4 Technology of Sugar Wafer Reels and Fan Wafers
7.5 Technology of Flute Wafers (Wafer Sticks, Roll Wafers)
Chapter Eight: After-Bake Technology of Crisp Wafers and of Soft Waffles
8.1 Introduction and Overview
8.2 Moisture Sorption in Wafer Manufacturing
8.3 The Maturing (Conditioning) of Sheet Wafers
8.4 Wafer Texture and Texture Measurement
8.5 Ice Cream Filled Sugar Cones: Moisture Resistance and Moisture Migration
8.6 Staling of Waffles—The Loss of Freshness and Softness
Chapter Nine: Waffles—An Overview in Products and Technology
9.1 Introduction and Overview
9.2 The Waffle Compendium
9.3 Waffles—Recipe Considerations and Technological Influences
9.4 The Functions of Various Waffle Ingredients
9.5 The Mixing of the Baking Masses for Waffles
9.6 The Baking of Waffles
9.7 Waffle Cooling and Packaging
9.8 Quality Assurance in Waffles
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