The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne. Volume 7, Part 2: The Divine Poems John Donne – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s):9780253050410, 0253050413
Product details:
- ISBN 10: 0253050413
- ISBN 13: 9780253050410
- Author: John Donne
Based on an exhaustive study of the manuscripts and printed editions in which these poems have appeared, the eighth in the series of The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne presents newly edited critical texts of thirteen Divine Poems and details the genealogical history of each poem, accompanied by a thorough prose discussion. Arranged chronologically within sections, the material is organized under the following headings: Dates and Circumstances; General Commentary; Genre; Language, Versification, and Style; the Poet/Persona; and Themes. The volume also offers a comprehensive digest of general and topical commentary on the Divine Poems from Donne’s time through 2012.
Table of contents:
Introduction to Volume 7.2
General Textual Introduction
The Critical Tradition
Texts and Apparatuses
The Divine Poems
La Corona. [Deigne at my handes thys Croune of Prayer and Prayse,]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
The Lamentations of Ieremy, for the most part accordinge to Tremelius. [Howe sitts this Cittie late most populous]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
The Letanye. [Father of Heaun, and Him by whom]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
Good friday Made as I was Rideing westward, that daye. [Let Mans soule bee a Sphere, and then, in this]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
Vppon the Annunciation, when Good-friday fell vppon the same daye. [Tamely fraile body, abstaine to daye; to daye]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
Of the Crosse. [Since Christ embracd the Crosse itt selfe, dare I]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
Resurrection. Imperfect. [Sleep sleep old Svnne, thou canst not haue repast]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
A Hymne to Christ. [In what torne shipp soeuer I embarke]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
To Christ. [Wilt thou forgiue that sinn, where I begunn]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
Hymne to God, my God. In my sicknes. [Synce I am coming to that holy roome]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
Vpon the Translation of the Psalmes by Sir Philip Sydney, and the Countesse of Pembroke his Sister. [Eternall God, (For whome who ever dare]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
[Venge] [Vengeance will sitt aboue our faults, but till]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
Psalme 137. [By Euphrates flowry side]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
Analyses of Early Printed Copies
Noncanonical Divine Poems Attributed to Donne in Seventeenth-Century Manuscripts and Print Editions
a. On the blessed Virgin Mary.
b. On the Sacrament.
The Divine Poems
General Commentary on the Divine Poems
Dates and Circumstances
General Commentary
Language, Versification, and Style
The Poet/Persona
Corona | La Corona.
Date and Circumstances
General Commentary
Language, Versification, and Style
The Poet/Persona
Notes and Glosses
Lam | The Lamentations of Ieremy, for the most part accordinge to Tremelius.
Date and Circumstances
General Commentary
The Poem and Other Works
Notes and Glosses
Lit | The Letanye.
Date and Circumstances
General Commentary
Genre and Sources
Language, Versification, and Style
The Poet/Persona
Notes and Glosses
Goodf | Good friday Made as I was Rideing westward, that daye.
Date and Circumstances
General Commentary
Genre and Traditions
Language and Style
The Poet/Persona
Notes and Glosses
Annun | Vppon the Annunciation, when Good-friday fell vppon the same daye.
Date and Circumstances
General Commentary
Language, Versification, and Style
Notes and Glosses
Cross | Of the Crosse.
Date and Circumstances
General Commentary
Language, Versification, and Style
Notes and Glosses
Res | Resurrection. Imperfect.
Date and Circumstances
General Commentary
Language and Style
Notes and Glosses
Christ | A Hymne to Christ.
Date and Circumstances
General Commentary
Language, Versification, and Style
The Poet/Persona
Notes and Glosses
Father | To Christ.
Date and Circumstances
General Commentary
Language, Versification, and Style
Musical Settings
The Poet/Persona
Variants, Addressee, and Heading
Notes and Glosses
Sickness | Hymne to God, my God. In my sicknes.
Date and Circumstances
General Commentary
Language, Versification, and Style
The Poet/Persona
Notes and Glosses
Sidney | Vpon the Translation of the Psalmes by Sir Philip Sydney, and the Countesse of Pembroke his Sister.
Date and Circumstances
General Commentary
Language, Versification, and Style
The Poet/Persona
Notes and Glosses
Venge | “Vengeance will sitt aboue our faults, but till”
General Commentary
Notes and Glosses
Ps137 | Psalme 137.
Date and Circumstances
General Commentary and The Question of Authorship
Language, Versification, and Style
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