The Wiley Handbook of Sustainability in Higher Education Learning and Teaching 1st edition by Kelum A. A. Gamage – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 1119852838, 9781119852834
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 1119852838
ISBN-13 : 9781119852834
Author : Kelum A. A. Gamage
Education developers seeking to incorporate sustainability; academics needing a reference for teaching material; also researchers, policymakers, and accreditation personnel.
The Wiley Handbook of Sustainability in Higher Education Learning and Teaching 1st Table of contents:
1 Sustainable Development
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Background
1.3 Promoting Sustainability in Higher Education
Part I: Transforming the Curriculum – Pedagogy Focused Initiatives
2 Activist Learning for Sustainability
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Methodology and Case Description
2.3 Student Motivations and Experiences of the SSH Project
2.4 Areas of Student Learning: Embodied vs. Abstract Learning
2.5 Activist Learning across the Formal, Informal, and Hidden Curriculum
2.6 The Relationships Between Staff and the Activist Learner
2.7 Conclusion and Recommendations
3 Outcome‐Based Education Toward Achieving Sustainable Goals in Higher Education
3.1 Outcome‐Based Education (OBE) and its Significance
3.2 Pragmatic Mapping of Student Learning Outcomes and Learning Objectives
3.3 Current Research on OBE
3.4 Strategies to Enhance Student Learning Outcomes and Concluding Remarks
4 Transforming Ourselves to Transform Societies
4.1 Introduction
4.2 A Call for a Different Paradigm of Education: From Reproducing Systems to Transforming Ourselves and Society
4.3 A Response from Virtue Tradition
4.4 Virtue Education in Practice: Exploring Pathways to Develop Phronesis for Sustainability
4.5 Final Remarks
5 Factors that Hinder the Implementation of Sustainability Initiatives in Higher Education Institutions
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Sustainability in Higher Education
5.3 Sustainability Initiatives in HEIs
5.4 Challenges for the Implementation of Sustainability Initiatives in HEI
5.5 Factors that Overcome the Challenges for the Implementation of Sustainability Initiatives in HEIs
6 Developing Stakeholder Agency in Higher Education Sustainability Initiatives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Literature Review
6.3 Transformative Agency
6.4 The Change Laboratory
6.5 Research Design
6.6 Findings
6.7 Discussion
6.8 Conclusion
7 Technology‐Enhanced Education: Improving Students’ Learning Experience in the Higher Education Context
7.1 Introduction of Sustainable Higher Education Made by Technology‐Enhanced Learning (TEL)
7.2 Sustainable Higher Education and TEL
7.3 Integrating Blended Learning in Higher Education (HE)
7.4 Exploring Innovative Ubiquitous Learning Tools in HE Context
7.5 The Impact of the Tech‐Enhanced Classroom to Students’ Learning Experience under Various Courses
7.6 From Passive to Active: TEL Improving Students’ Learning Experience in an HE Flipped Classroom
8 Sustainability Assessment Tools in Higher Education Institutions
8.1 Introduction
8.2 An Overview of Sustainability Assessment and the Associated Tools at HEIs
8.3 Methods and Steps
8.4 Results and Comparative Analysis
8.5 Overall Discussion and Potential Areas of Improvement
8.6 Conclusions
9 COVID‐19 Disruptions to SDG 4 in Higher Education Institutions
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The Educational Background of the 2030 Agenda
9.3 The Genesis of SDG 4 in Higher Education
9.4 SDG 4 in the Context of Inclusive Higher Education
9.5 SDG 4 in the Context of Sustainable Higher Education
9.6 COVID‐19 Disruption to SDG 4, at a Glance
9.7 Higher Education During the COVID‐19 Pandemic
9.8 Wrap up
Part II: Transforming the Curriculum – Discipline‐Specific Initiatives
10 Integrating Harmonious Entrepreneurship into the Curriculum
10.1 Introduction
10.2 The Challenge
10.3 Barriers to Integration into the Curriculum
10.4 Overcoming the Barriers
10.5 Conclusion
11 Sustaining Place Transformations in Urban Design Education
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Urban Design and Its Multiple Pedagogies
11.3 The Urban Density, Mix, Access, Public/Private Interface, and Type
11.4 Case Study
11.5 Concluding Discussions
12 Sustainability of Innovations in Health Professions Education
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Curriculum Development and Evaluation
12.3 Teaching and Learning
12.4 Assessment
12.5 Conclusion
13 Sustainability in Energy Systems Analysis and Design
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Energy Systems
13.3 Requisite Learning Outcomes
13.4 Summary and Recommendations
Part III: Global Trends – Country Specific Initiatives
14 Sustainability Teaching in Higher Education and Universities in Spain
14.1 The Shift Toward More Sustainable Practices: Global Framework
14.2 Changes in Educational Policies: The Specific Case of Spain
14.3 Skills in Education: Focus on Environmental Good Practices
14.4 Real Implementation at Higher Education and University Levels
14.5 Main Challenges for Sustainability Implementation in Spanish Education
14.6 The Role of Curricular Adaptation and Transversality
14.7 Success Stories
14.8 Conclusions and Future Trends
15 Sustainability in Higher Education in Egypt
15.1 Introduction
15.2 The Structure of the Education System in Egypt
15.3 Sustainability and Education: Cultural Perception
15.4 Higher Education for Sustainable Development: An Overview
15.5 Higher Education for Sustainable Development: Challenges and the Way Forward
15.6 Conclusions and Recommendations
16 Youth Communicators as an Engine for Sustainable Development
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Do HEIs Complement Community Needs?
16.3 A Pilot Project for Pakistan’s Rural Universities
16.4 The Role of TVET toward Community Development
16.5 Conclusion
17 Streamlining Higher Education in the Maldives
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Emerging Issues and Challenges in Streamlining Higher Education in the Maldives up to the Global Standards
17.3 Addressing the Issues for Embedding Sustainability in Higher Education
17.4 Conclusions
18 Embedding Sustainability into the Education Process in the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, SUA in Nitra, Slovakia
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Education System in the FHLE, SUA in Nitra, Slovakia
18.3 Embedding Sustainability into the Landscape Engineering Program
18.4 Embedding Sustainability into the Landscape Architecture Program
18.5 Embedding Sustainability into the Horticulture Programs
18.6 Further Education Activities for Students, the Public, and Professionals
18.7 Projects Focused on the Sustainability Application into the Study Programs
18.8 Involvement of Students
18.9 Conclusions and Recommendations
Part IV: Equity and Inclusion within Sustainability Education
19 Inclusive Education and Sustainable Development
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Government Policies for Inclusive Education
19.3 Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education for Students with Disabilities
19.4 Conclusion – Achieving Sustainable Development through Inclusive Education
20 Embedding Sustainability in Learning and Teaching
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Education and Communication of SNLs When Embedding Sustainability in Learning and Teaching
20.3 Curriculum with Assessment and Evaluation Criteria to Overcome Communication Barriers of SNLs when Embedding Sustainability in Learning and Teaching
20.4 Conclusion
20.5 Recommendations
21 Sustainable Higher Education for Disabled Students
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Participants in Higher Education of Disabled Students
21.3 University of Zagreb Support Model
21.4 Is this Model Inclusive and Sustainable?
21.5 Guidelines for Progress and Sustainability
22 Barriers, New Developments, and Emerging Trends in Sustainability in HE
22.1 Barriers to Embedding Sustainability in Learning and Teaching
22.2 Emerging Good Practice in Promoting Sustainability in HE
22.3 Conclusion
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Tags: The Wiley Handbook, Sustainability, Higher Education, Teaching, Learning, Kelum Gamage