Thinking about Things 1st edition by Mark Sainsbury – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192524984, 9780192524980
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ISBN-10 : 0192524984
ISBN-13 : 9780192524980
Author: Mark Sainsbury
In the blink of an eye, I can redirect my thought from London to Austin, from apples to unicorns, from former president Obama to the mythical flying horse, Pegasus. How is this possible? How can we think about things that do not exist, like unicorns and Pegasus? They are not there to be thought about, yet we think about them just as easily as we think about things that do exist. Thinking About Things addresses these and related questions, taking as its framework a representational theory of mind. It explains how mental states are attributed, what their aboutness consists in, whether or not they are relational, and whether any of them involve nonexistent things. The explanation centers on a new theory of what is involved in attributing attitudes like thinking, hoping, and wanting. These attributions are intensional: some of them seem to involve nonexistent things, and they typically have semantic and logical peculiarities, like the fact that one cannot always substitute one expression for another that refers to the same thing without affecting truth. Mark Sainsburys new theory, display theory, explains these anomalies. For example, substituting coreferring expressions does not always preserve truth because the correctness of an attribution depends on what concepts it displays, not on what the concepts refer to. And a concept that refers to nothing may be used in an accurate display of what someone is thinking.
Thinking about Things 1st Table of contents:
1. Intentionality and Intensionality
1.1 The Basics
1.2 Puzzles
1.3 Sentential and Non-sentential Attributions
1.4 “Intentional Objects”
1.5 Representation
1.6 Relations
2. “Something”
2.1 Quantification and Ontology
2.2 Second-Order Quantification
2.3 ∃-Quantification Contrasted with “Something”
2.4 Vindicating Instances
2.5 “Something” as an Objectual Quantifier: Things Construed Ontologically
2.6 “Something” as a Substitutional Quantifier
2.7 Problems for Substitutional Quantification?
2.8 There are Many Things that Don’t Exist
3. A Display Theory of Attitude Attribution
3.1 Attitudes and Attributions
3.2 Concepts
3.3 Davidson, Display, and Commitment
3.4 Stark Truth Conditions for Attributions
3.5 Indexicals and Speaker Scope
3.6 Inferential Inertia and Presupposition
3.7 The Superscript Language
3.8 Nonconceptual Intentionality
4. Nonspecificity
4.1 Quine on Notional and Relational
4.2 Ambiguity and the Negation Test
4.3 Many Ways to Want a Sloop
4.4 Testing for Nonspecificity
4.5 Psychological and Metaphysical Nonspecificity
5. Inference
5.1 Entailment and Psychology
5.2 Substitution and Thinking About
5.3 Existence
5.4 Strong Exportation
5.5 Weak Exportation
5.6 Weakening and Wanting
5.7 Strengthening and Fearing
5.8 Numeral Quantification
6. Relationality and Representation
6.1 “Intentional Relations”: Resolving Prior’s Puzzle
6.2 Non-relational Representation
6.3 Hume and Two-Level Theories
6.4 Free Logic
6.5 Introducing Empty Concepts
6.6 Concepts Acquired Through Transmission
6.7 The Reference of Concepts
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