Time and Ancient Medicine: How Sundials and Water Clocks Changed Medical Science 1st edition by Kassandra J. Miller – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0198885199, 9780198885191
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0198885199
ISBN-13 : 9780198885191
Author: Kassandra J. Miller
Time and Ancient Medicine is the first monograph to explore, on the one hand, how the introduction of new timekeeping technologies (namely, sundials and water clocks) affected the practice, rhetoric, and philosophy of ancient medicine and, on the other hand, how medical timekeeping practices affected engagement with time elsewhere in society. The study seeks, first, to offer a chronological narrative of how timekeeping technologies and medical practices evolved and influenced one another in ancient Greece and Rome, with consideration of relevant Pharaonic Egyptian and Assyro-Babylonian precedents. Kassandra J. Miller turns to a series of case studies, drawn from the Roman Imperial period, to investigate thematic questions, asking how debates over medical timekeeping interacted with debates over proper scientific methodology, the status of medicine as a formal art, and the relationships between medicine and other disciplines like mathematics, astronomy, and astrology.
Time and Ancient Medicine: How Sundials and Water Clocks Changed Medical Science 1st Table of contents:
Part I. Clockworks
1. Telling Time in the Greco-Roman World
Telling Time without Clocks
Water Clocks
2. Doctors and Clocks: The Emergence of Hourly Timekeeping in Medical Contexts
Egyptian and Assyro-Babylonian Precedents
Hippocratic Evidence
Hellenistic Evidence
The Roman Period
3. Clocks as Symbols 1: In Galen’s Thought
Galen’s Chronotopic Biography
Introducing Affections and Errors
Galen’s Scientific Method
Defending Propositions 1a and 1b: Testability
Defending Propositions 2a and 2b: Useful Contributions to Intellectual and Civic Communities
Defending Propositions 3a and 3b: Progress and Perpetuity
4. Clocks as Symbols 2: Among the Roman Elite
A Very Public Gnomon: Timekeeping and the Imperial Program
Clocks and Celestial Geometry: Symbols of Mathematical Ingenuity
Clocks and the Educated Elite: Symbols of the Pepaideumenoi
Clocks and Philosophers: Symbols of the Human Lifespan
Clocks in Architectural Writing: Symbols of the Human Body
Clocks and Horoscopic Astrology: Symbols of Death and the Afterlife
Conclusion: The “Clock-Construction” Lifestyle
Part II. Hours in Action
5. From “Season” to “Hour”: Galenic Refinements of the Hippocratic Hōra
Galen’s Hippocratism
Galen’s On Critical Days and the Hippocratic Epidemics
Temporality in Galen’s Fever Case Histories
Hours and Astronomy I: The Period of the Moon
Hours and Astronomy II: The Periods of Planets
6. When Is Temporal Exactitude Desirable?
Insufficient Exactitude: Fevers and Symptoms
Excessive Exactitude: Fevers and Phlebotomy
7. “Right Timing” in Sickness and in Health: Hourly Timekeeping and Kairos in Galen’s On Hygiene
Kairos and Galen’s Predecessors
Kairos and Febrile Disease
Kairos and Health Maintenance
Kairos and the Elderly
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Time,Ancient Medicine,Sundials,Water Clocks,Medical Science,Kassandra Miller