Time Binds: Queer Temporalities, Queer Histories (Perverse modernities) – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780822393184,0822393182
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0822348047
- ISBN-13 : 978-0822348047
- Author(s):
Time Binds is a powerful argument that temporal and sexual dissonance are intertwined, and that the writing of history can be both embodied and erotic. Challenging queer theory’s recent emphasis on loss and trauma, Elizabeth Freeman foregrounds bodily pleasure in the experience and representation of time as she interprets an eclectic archive of queer literature, film, video, and art. She examines work by visual artists who emerged in a commodified, “postfeminist,” and “postgay” world. Yet they do not fully accept the dissipation of political and critical power implied by the idea that various political and social battles have been won and are now consigned to the past. By privileging temporal gaps and narrative detours in their work, these artists suggest ways of putting the past into meaningful, transformative relation with the present. Such “queer asynchronies” provide opportunities for rethinking historical consciousness in erotic terms, thereby countering the methods of traditional and Marxist historiography. Central to Freeman’s argument are the concepts of chrononormativity, the use of time to organize individual human bodies toward maximum productivity; temporal drag, the visceral pull of the past on the supposedly revolutionary present; and erotohistoriography, the conscious use of the body as a channel for and means of understanding the past. Time Binds emphasizes the critique of temporality and history as crucial to queer politics.
Table contents:
One: Junk Inheritances, Bad Timing: Familial Arrhythmia in Three Working-Class Dyke Narratives
Reimagining Family, Reimaging Time
Tracking Domestic Time
The Physics of Queer
Two: Deep Lez: Temporal Drag and the Specters of Feminism
Packing History
(Getting) Down with Children
Feminism, or, When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth
Three: Time Binds, or, Erotohistoriography
Frankenstein: Bodying Forth History
Orlando: Fingering History
The Sticky Fingers of Time: Analog and Digital Pleasure
Four: Turn the Beat Around: Sadomasochism, Temporality, History
The Beat Goes On: Timing Sadomasochism
Backbeat: Theorizing Sadomasochism
The English Beat: Attending to History
Appendix: Distributors for Films and Videos
One: Junk Inheritances, Bad Timing
Two: Deep Lez
Three: Time Binds, or, Erotohistoriography
Four: Turn the Beat Around
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