Traffic Congestion and Land Use Regulations: Theory and Policy Analysis 1st edition by Tatsuhito Kono, Kirti Kusum Joshi – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0128170212, 9780128170212
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0128170212
ISBN-13 : 9780128170212
Author: Tatsuhito Kono, Kirti Kusum Joshi
Traffic Congestion and Land Use Regulations: Theory and Policy Analysis explores why, when, where and how land use regulations are utilized in cities to address road transportation congestion. The book shows how to design optimal density and zonal regulations for efficient traffic flow in cities, examines land use regulations using optimal control theory, and offers detailed insights into the mechanisms behind optimal regulations and techniques for exploring spatial optimal policies. Discussions from this book will help highlight the practical usefulness of land use regulations for the maximization of urban social welfare.
Traffic Congestion and Land Use Regulations: Theory and Policy Analysis 1st Table of contents:
Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Necessity of a minimum floor area regulation
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The model
2.3 Optimal FAR regulations
2.4 A case of a monocentric city: Numerical simulation
2.5 Conclusion
Technical Appendix 2
Supplementary note: Harberger welfare function
Chapter Three: Differences in optimal land use regulation between a closed city and an open city
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The model
3.3 Market equilibrium conditions
3.4 Optimal FAR regulation and urban boundary
3.5 Conclusion
Technical Appendix 3
Mathematical note: Lagrangian method and optimal control theory
Chapter Four: Optimal land use regulation in a growing city
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The model
4.3 Maximizing social welfare using FAR regulation
4.4 FAR regulation in a growing monocentric city under traffic congestion externality
4.5 Conclusion
Technical Appendix 4
Chapter Five: Optimal land use regulations in a city with business areas
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The model
5.3 Optimal land use regulations
5.4 Numerical simulation
5.5 Conclusion
Technical Appendix 5
Chapter Six: Introducing cordon pricing in a regulated city
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The model
6.3 Optimal cordon pricing and location
6.4 Optimal land use regulation under cordon pricing
6.5 Conclusion
Technical Appendix 6
Chapter Seven: Road investment evaluation under land use regulation
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The model
7.3 Welfare functions of FAR and UGB regulations and city regimes
7.4 Optimal FAR
7.5 Change in FAR according to road investment in each regime
7.6 Cost-benefit analysis of road investment in a closed city
7.7 Cost-benefit analysis of road investment in an open city
7.8 Conclusion
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Traffic Congestion,Land Use Regulations,Theory,Policy Analysis,Tatsuhito Kono,Kirti Kusum Joshi