Translational Autoimmunity. Volume 3: Autoimmune Disease Associated with Different Clinical Features 1st edition by Nima Rezaei – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0323854168, 9780323854160
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0323854168
ISBN-13 : 9780323854160
Author : Nima Rezaei
Translational Autoimmunity: Autoimmune Diseases in Different Clinical Settings addresses autoimmunity and associated conditions, such as aging, infectious diseases, cancer, neurodegeneration, psychological disorders, fertility, inflammatory vascular diseases, and interstitial lung diseases. The book addresses sufficiently basic questions on how the immune system is designed to distinguish self from no self and behave such that it’s able to maintain self-tolerance, how does it work in infections, and how it elicits an auto-reactive state and develops self-antigens seen in autoimmune conditions.
Translational Autoimmunity. Volume 3: Autoimmune Disease Associated with Different Clinical Features 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction on autoimmunity and associated conditions
1: Introduction
2: Autoimmunity and infection
3: Autoimmunity and genetic syndromes
4: Autoimmunity and inborn errors of immunity
5: Autoimmunity and malignancies
6: Autoimmunity and associated conditions affecting patients’ quality of life
7: Conclusion
Chapter 2: Cross talks between autoimmunity and cancer
1: Introduction
2: Autoimmunity and cancer mechanisms: Clinical features and similar mechanisms
3: Rheumatoid arthritis
4: Systemic lupus erythematosus
5: Sjögren’s syndrome
6: Systemic sclerosis
7: Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy
8: ANCA-associated vasculitis
9: Conclusion
Chapter 3: Autoimmunity regulation within the tumor microenvironment
1: Introduction
2: Targeting immune checkpoints in cancer immunotherapy
3: Coinhibitory checkpoint pathways to cancer
4: Costimulatory checkpoint pathways on cancer
5: Conclusion
Chapter 4: Mechanisms of immune tolerance breakdown in inborn errors of immunity
1: Introduction
2: Mechanisms implicated in the disruption of immune tolerance in IEI
3: Central tolerance disruption
4: Alterations of peripheral tolerance
5: Conclusion
Chapter 5: Autoimmunity in combined immunodeficiency
1: Introduction
2: Severe combined immunodeficiencies
3: Combined immunodeficiencies
4: Combined immunodeficiencies associated with significant autoimmunity
5: Combined immunodeficiencies rarely associated with autoimmunity
6: Combined immunodeficiencies not associated with autoimmunity
7: Conclusion
Chapter 6: Autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases in primary selective IgM deficiency
1: Introduction
2: Natural IgM antibodies
3: Role of IgM in autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases
4: Autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases in selective IgM deficiency
5: Conclusion
Chapter 7: Autoimmunity and HIV infection
1: Introduction
2: HIV structure
3: HIV infection
4: HIV and autoimmunity
5: Autoimmune diseases in the HIV patient
6: Conclusion
Chapter 8: Autoimmune diseases and metabolic disorders: Molecular connections and potential therapeutic targets
1: Introduction
2: Molecular mechanisms of autoimmune responses and autoimmune diseases
3: Molecular connections between autoimmune diseases and some important metabolic disorders
4: Potential molecular targets to control autoimmune diseases and metabolic disorders
5: Conclusion
Chapter 9: Autoimmunity and infertility
1: Introduction
2: The association between autoimmunity and female infertility
3: The association between autoimmunity and male infertility
4: Clinical implications of serum autoantibodies in IVF/ICSI-ET
5: Conclusion
Chapter 10: Autoimmune disease of the cardiovascular system
1: Introduction
2: Rheumatic heart disease
3: Myocarditis
4: Vasculitis
5: Conclusion
Chapter 11: Allergy and autoimmunity: Share of genetics and environment
1: Introduction
2: Key elements regulating allergy and autoimmune disease
3: Immunopathological reactions—Allergy and autoimmunity subtypes
4: Conclusion
Chapter 12: Asthma and autoimmunity
1: Introduction
2: Asthma endotypes—An overview
3: Autoimmune responses following chronic inflammation
4: Asthma and autoimmunity
5: Conclusion
Chapter 13: Autoimmunity in interstitial lung disease
1: Introduction
2: Interstitial lung disease in systemic sclerosis
3: Rheumatoid arthritis
4: Other rheumatic conditions associated with ILD
5: Conclusion
Chapter 14: Role of autoimmunity in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulmonary emphysema
1: Introduction
2: Animal models of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pulmonary emphysema
3: Autoimmune responses in the pathogenesis of stable COPD and pulmonary emphysema
4: Regulatory T (Treg) cells in the autoimmune pathogenesis of stable COPD and pulmonary emphysema
5: B-cells and autoantibody-mediated lung damage in the pathogenesis of stable COPD and pulmonary emphysema
6: Other autoantibodies in COPD and pulmonary emphysema
7: Complement system and autoimmunity in COPD and pulmonary emphysema
8: Role of the microbiota in COPD and pulmonary emphysema
9: Cell-mediated autoimmune lung damage in the pathogenesis of stable COPD and pulmonary emphysema
10: Therapeutic implications
11: Conclusion
Chapter 15: Oxidative stress in oral autoimmune disorders
1: Introduction
2: Oxidative stress and the immune system
3: Biomarkers of oxidative stress in oral autoimmune disorders
4: Antioxidants and related treatments for oral autoimmune disorders
5: Conclusion
Chapter 16: Autoimmunity and psychosis
1: Introduction
2: Infection, inflammation, and autoimmunity in psychosis
3: Mechanisms of autoimmunity in the central nervous system
4: Autoimmune encephalitis and psychosis
5: Multiple sclerosis and psychosis
6: Autoimmune epilepsy and psychosis
7: Nonneurological autoimmune disorders and psychosis
8: Possible causal treatment of psychosis in autoimmune diseases
9: Conclusion
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Translational Autoimmunity,Volume 3,Autoimmune Disease,Associated,Clinical Features,Nima Rezaei