Unconventional Shale Gas Development: Lessons Learned 1st edition by Rouzbeh G. Moghanloo – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0323905293, 9780323905299
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0323905293
ISBN-13 : 9780323905299
Author : Rouzbeh G. Moghanloo
Unconventional Shale Gas Development: Lessons Learned gives engineers the latest research developments and practical applications in today’s operations. Comprised of both academic and corporate contributors, a balanced critical review on technologies utilized are covered. Environmental topics are presented, including produced water management and sustainable operations in gas systems. Machine learning applications, well integrity and economic challenges are also covered to get the engineer up-to-speed. With its critical elements, case studies, history plot visuals and flow charts, the book delivers a critical reference to get today’s petroleum engineers updated on the latest research and applications surrounding shale gas systems.
Unconventional Shale Gas Development: Lessons Learned 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Field development and asset management
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Background
1.3 Conventional versus unconventional reservoirs
1.4 Asset management
1.5 Reserves reporting for shale reservoirs
1.6 Future prospects of shale development
Chapter 2. Geological characterization of unconventional shale-gas reservoirs
2.1 The history of shale gas
2.2 Geological evaluations of shale gas prospects
2.3 Proximate control on accumulation of organic-matter-rich shale
2.4 Definition of shale/mudstone/mudrock
2.5 Depositional environments of organic-matter-rich shale
2.6 Organic geochemistry of gas shale
2.7 Other geological characterizations of successful shale gas plays
2.8 Heterogeneity of shale-gas reservoirs
2.9 Diagenetic impact on shale-gas reservoirs
2.10 Distribution of shale-gas reservoirs worldwide
2.11 Case studies: The Middle Devonian Marcellus Formation and the Appalachian Basin
2.12 Geoenvironmental challenges in the development of shale-gas reservoirs
2.13 Conclusions
Chapter 3. Construction and completion of multifractured horizontal wells
3.1 Definitions
3.2 Well construction
3.3 The wellbore tubulars
3.4 To rotate or not to rotate: the unconventional well dilemma!
3.5 Casing fatigue in unconventional wells
3.6 An OCTG selection approach for unconventional wells
3.7 Wellbore completion of horizontal unconventional wells
3.8 Environmental aspects of well construction and completion
Chapter 4. Well control challenges in unconventional shale plays
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Well control in unconventional shale plays
4.3 Well control philosophy
4.4 Well control complications in horizontal wells
4.5 Well control challenges in nonaqueous drilling fluids
4.6 Inclined upward laterals challenges
4.7 Kicks while running casing or liners challenges
4.8 Factors affecting well control practices in horizontal wells
4.9 Lessons learned
Chapter 5. Wellbore/borehole stability in shale formation
5.1 Overview
5.2 Introduction
5.3 Geomechanical evaluation of well stability in shale formation
5.4 Mud–shale interaction affecting well stability in shale formation
5.5 Well integrity in shale formation
5.6 A case study in Tuscaloosa Marine Shale
5.7 Summary
Chapter 6. Advances in formation evaluation of shale systems
6.1 Overview of challenges in formation evaluation of organic-rich mudrocks
6.2 Advanced formation evaluation in organic-rich mudrocks
6.3 Recap and the way forward
Chapter 7. Advances in interpretation of diagnostic fracture injection tests
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The URTeC-2019–123 interpretation procedure
Chapter 8. Fracture diagnostic testing
8.1 Overview
8.2 Testing types
8.3 Step-rate test
8.4 Pump in/shut-in test
8.5 Pump-in/flow-back test (micro-frac)
8.6 New analysis technique
8.7 Summary
Chapter 9. Proppant placement
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Sediment transport theory and transport mechanisms in noncrosslinked fluids
9.3 Proppant transport in vertical fractures
9.4 Proppant transport in complex fracture networks
Further reading
Chapter 10. Advances in geomechanical modeling
10.1 Introduction to rock mechanics at granular mesoscale
10.2 Fracture propagation model
10.3 Mechanical earth modeling
10.4 Casing deformation problems
Chapter 11. Advances in flowback analysis: fracturing water production obeys a simple decline model
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Methodology
11.3 Water-rate decline during flowback and postflowback
11.4 Harmonic water-rate decline model
11.5 Application and discussions
11.6 Limitations and recommendations
11.7 Conclusion
Chapter 12. Application of molecular dynamics simulations for shale gas systems
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Basic theory
12.3 Description of kerogen and fluid models
12.4 Water and carbon dioxide
12.5 Hydrocarbons
12.6 Simulation details
12.7 Organic matter models
12.8 Spatial distribution of fluids
12.9 Primary recovery from organic nanopores
12.10 Conclusions
Chapter 13. Wettability modifiers for enhanced oil recovery from tight and shale reservoirs
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Wettability-alteration agents for shales
13.3 Ketone solvent as a new wettability modifier
13.4 Summary and conclusions
Chapter 14. Scale considerations during petrophysical characterization of shales
14.1 Introduction and background
14.2 Scale dependent SEM properties of shales
14.3 Sample size consideration for MICP of shales
14.4 Scale dependent shale pressure decay permeability
Chapter 15. Challenges associated with lifting and loading in shale gas wellbore systems
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Multiphase flow fundamentals
15.3 Horizontal well flow assurance studies
15.4 Artificial lift practices in unconventional wells
15.5 Summary
Chapter 16. Production data analysis for shale gas wells
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Straight line analysis
16.3 Distance of investigation and linear flow parameter
16.4 Material balance equation for shale gas reservoir
16.5 Dynamic drainage volume in the unstimulated shale matrix (tri-linear flow)
Chapter 17. Machine learning applications in unconventional shale gas systems
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Artificial intelligence/machine learning applications on production performance- lessons learned
17.3 Conclusions
Chapter 18. Experimental evaluation of enhanced oil recovery in unconventional resource plays: a new screening protocol
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Experimental Huff-n-Puff studies
18.3 New enhanced oil recovery screening experiments
18.4 Screening test example: Eagle Ford experiments
18.5 Microstructural changes
18.6 Discussion
Further reading
Chapter 19. Spatial data analytics for optimum data declustering in shale systems
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Methodology
19.3 Results and discussions
19.4 Conclusions
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Unconventional,Shale,Gas Development,Lessons Learned,Rouzbeh Moghanloo