Understanding Self-injury. A Person-Centered Approach 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780197545089,0197545084
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 0197545084
- ISBN-13: 9780197545089
- Author: Stephen P. Lewis, Penelope A. Hasking
Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI), the purposeful damaging of one’s own body tissue without suicidal intent, is a common and serious mental health concern. Engagement in self-injury is associated with numerous mental health difficulties such as major depression. Of particular concern is recent evidence indicating that self-injury is a significant risk factor for suicide. Taken together, understanding self-injury and appropriately responding to people who self-injure is critical.
Table contents:
1 Self-Injury: An Overview
2 Self-Injury and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors
3 A Person-Centered, Strengths-Based Framing of Self-Injury
4 Self-Injury and Stigma
5 Use of Appropriate Language to Discuss Self-Injury
6 Rethinking and Addressing Contagion
7 Self-Injury, the Internet, and Social Media
8 Addressing Self-Injury in Schools: A Student-Centered, Strengths-Based Approach
9 Families and Self-Injury
10 Clinical Approaches for Self-Injury: Assessment and Intervention
11 Self-Injury Recovery: A Person-Centered Framework
12 Building Resilience Through Recovery
13 Supporting People With Lived Experience
14 Advocating for a Person-Centered, Strengths-Based Approach
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