World of the Third and Hegemonic Capital. Between Marx and Freud 1st edition by Anjan Chakrabarti, Anup Dhar – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 3031250176 9783031250170
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 3031250176
ISBN-13 : 9783031250170
Author : Anjan Chakrabarti, Anup Dhar
This book brings together Marxian philosophy and Lacanian psychoanalysis to argue that the hegemonic form of global capital is founded on the foreclosure of class and world of the third. The authors counterpose the world of the third to the mainstream notion of the third world, seen as a lacking other in desperate need of aid and development. Thus, for them, the hegemonic form of global capital is engendered through the foregrounding of the poor, victim third world and the foreclosure of the non-capitalist world of the third. Building on what they characterize as an ab-original reading of Marxian historical materialism and the Lacanian real, the authors seek to conceptualize a counter-hegemonic revolutionary subject as a basis for postcapitalist alternatives to the hegemonic form of global capital.
World of the Third and Hegemonic Capital. Between Marx and Freud 1st Table of contents:
1. (Un)doing Marxism from the Outside
2. Class and Overdetermination
3. The Secret Abode of Need: From Hegemonic Need to Radical Need
4. Foreclosure, Delusional Veil, and the Lacanian Real
5. Global Capitalism as Hegemonic: World of the Third as Outside
6. Political Economy of Development: From Critique to Reconstruction
7. Global Capital and Its Circuits
8. World of the Third as Foreclosed: Third Worldism as Delusional Veil
9. World of the Third: Encounters with the Hegemonic
10. Expanded Communism: From World of the Third Subject-Positions
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