Writing Pain in the Nineteenth-Century United States 1st edition by Thomas Constantinesco – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192668129, 9780192668127
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0192668129
ISBN-13 : 9780192668127
Author : Thomas Constantinesco
Writing Pain in the Nineteenth-Century United States examines how pain is represented in a range of literary texts and genres from the nineteenth-century US. It considers the aesthetic, philosophical, and ethical implications of pain across the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Harriet Jacobs, Emily Dickinson, Henry James, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, and Alice James, as the national culture of pain progressively transformed in the wake of the invention of anesthesia. Through examining the work of nineteenth-century writers, Constantinesco argues that pain, while undeniably destructive, also generates language and identities, and demonstrates how literature participates in theorizing the problems of mind and body that undergird the deep chasms of selfhood, sociality, gender, and race of a formative period in American history.
Writing Pain in the Nineteenth-Century United States 1st Table of contents:
1. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Economy of Pain
“The Natural History of Calamity”
Anesthetic Pain
Sympathetic Injuries
2. Willing Pain in Harriet Jacobs’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Writing the Pain of Enslavement
“Double Character”: Bodies in Pain and Criminalized Wills
Ambivalent Literacy and Interdicted Agency
“A Determined Will”
3. Emily Dickinson and the “High Prerogative” of Pain
“Affliction but a speculation”
The Limits of Sympathy
The Shared Incommensurability of Pain
4. Henry James, Invisible Wounds, and the Civil War
Soldier’s Heart
Sentimental Transactions: Abusing Male Pain
The Affective Economy of Queer Pain
5. The Pedagogy of Pain in Elizabeth Stuart Phelps’s The Gates Ajar
“The Shallower Part of Pain”
Grief, War Violence, and Queer Desire
Painless Heaven and Ecologies of Loss
6. Pain, Will, and Writing in the Diary of Alice James
The “American Invalid”
“Exaggerated Sympathy for Suffering”
Life by Abandonment
“A Barnum Monstrosity”
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Writing Pain,the Nineteenth Century,United States,Thomas Constantinesco