Zoology 12th Edition by Stephen A. Miller, Todd A. Tupper – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 1266705473 9781266705472
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ISBN-10 : 1266705473
ISBN-13 : 9781266705472
Author : Stephen A. Miller, Todd A. Tupper
The 12th edition of Zoology continues to offer students an introductory general zoology text that is manageable in size and adaptable to a variety of course formats. It is a principles-oriented text written for the non-majors or the combined course, presented at the freshman and sophomore level.
Zoology 12th Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Zoology: An Evolutionary and Ecological Perspective
1 Zoology: An Evolutionary and Ecological Perspective
1.1 Introduction to Zoology
1.2 Zoology: An Evolutionary Perspective
Animal Classification and Evolutionary Relationships
1.3 Zoology: An Ecological Perspective
Endangered Animals and World Resources
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Chapter 2: The Structure and Function of Animal Cells
2 The Structure and Function of Animal Cells
2.1 Cells: The Common Unit of all Life
Properties and Varieties of Cells
2.2 Cellular Membranes and Membrane Transport
The Plasma Membrane
Membrane Transport
2.3 Energy, Enzymes, and Reactions
2.4 Cellular Respiration
Transition Events
Citric Acid Cycle
Electron Transport Chain
Alternative Pathways
2.5 The Nucleus, Ribosomes, and Vaults
2.6 The Endomembrane System
The Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi Apparatus
Vesicles and Cellular Transport
Endocytosis and Exocytosis
2.7 Peroxisomes
2.8 The Cytoskeleton and Cellular Movement
Microtubules, Intermediate Filaments, and Microfilaments
Cilia and Flagella
2.9 Levels of Organization in an Animal
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Chapter 3: Cell Division and Inheritance
3 Cell Division and Inheritance
3.1 Eukaryotic Chromosomes
Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes
Number of Chromosomes
3.2 The Cell Cycle and Mitotic Cell Division
Interphase: Replicating the Hereditary Material
M-Phase: Mitosis
M-Phase: Cytokinesis
Cell-Cycle Control
3.3 Meiosis: the Basis of Sexual Reproduction
The First Meiotic Division
The Second Meiotic Division
Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis
3.4 DNA: The Genetic Material
The Double Helix Model
DNA Replication in Eukaryotes
Genes in Action
Changes in DNA and Chromosomes
3.5 Inheritance Patterns in Animals
Independent Assortment
Other Inheritance Patterns
The Molecular Basis of Inheritance Patterns
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Chapter 4: Evolution: History and Evidence
4 Evolution: History and Evidence
4.1 Organic Evolution and Pre-Darwinian Theories of Change
4.2 Darwin’s Early years and his Journey
Voyage of the HMS Beagle
4.3 Early Development of Darwin’s Ideas of Evolution
Fossil Evidence
Galápagos Islands
4.4 The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
Natural Selection
Epigenetics and Evolution
Alfred Russel Wallace
4.5 Geological Time and Mass Extinctions
Dating Techniques
Mass Extinctions
4.6 Microevolution, Macroevolution, and Evidence of Macroevolutionary Change
Analogy and Homology
Interpreting and Applying the Evidence: Phylogeny
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Chapter 5: Evolution and Gene Frequencies
5 Evolution and Gene Frequencies
5.1 Populations and Gene Pools
5.2 Must Evolution Happen?
The Hardy–Weinberg Theorem
5.3 Evolutionary Mechanisms
Genetic Drift
Gene Flow
Natural Selection Reexamined
5.4 Species and Speciation
Reproductive Isolation and Speciation
Speciation Models
5.5 Rates of Evolution
5.6 Molecular Evolution
Gene Duplication
5.7 Mosaic Evolution
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Chapter 6: Ecology: Preserving the Animal Kingdom
6 Ecology: Preserving the Animal Kingdom
6.1 Animals and Their Abiotic Environment
Other Abiotic Factors
6.2 Biotic Factors: Populations
Population Growth
Population Regulation
Intraspecific Competition
6.3 Biotic Factors: Interspecific Interactions
Herbivory and Predation
Interspecific Competition
Other Interspecific Adaptations
6.4 Communities
The Ecological Niche
Community Stability
6.5 Trophic Structure of Ecosystems
6.6 Cycling Within Ecosystems
6.7 Ecological Problems
Human Population Growth
Earth’s Resources and Global Inequality
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Chapter 7: Animal Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Organization
7 Animal Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Organization
7.1 Taxonomy and Phylogeny
A Taxonomic Hierarchy
Taxonomic Methods
Animal Systematics
7.2 Animal Organization
Cellular and Tissue Organization
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Chapter 8: Animal Origins and Phylogenetic Highlights
8 Animal Origins and Phylogenetic Highlights
8.1 Earth’S Beginning and Evidence of Early Life
8.2 Life’s Beginning and the First 3 Billion Years
Life’s Origins and Early Evolution
Three Domains
Endosymbiosis and the Origin of Eukarya
8.3 Multicellularity and Animal Origins
Protist/Animal Crossroads
Animal Radiation and the Cambrian Explosion
8.4 Phylogenetic Highlights of Animalia
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Chapter 9: The Basal Animal Phyla
9 The Basal Animal Phyla
9.1 Evolutionary Perspective
9.2 Phylum Porifera
The Body Wall, Cell Types, and Skeletons
Water Currents and Body Forms
Maintenance Functions
9.3 Phylum Cnidaria
The Body Wall and Nematocysts
Alternation of Generations
Maintenance Functions
Class Hydrozoa
Class Staurozoa
Class Scyphozoa
Class Cubozoa
Class Anthozoa
9.4 Phylum Ctenophora
9.5 Evolutionary Connections
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Chapter 10: The Smaller Spiralian Phyla
10 The Smaller Spiralian Phyla
10.1 Evolutionary Perspective
10.2 Lophotrochozoa: Phylum Platyhelminthes
The “Turbellarians”
Neodermata: Class Trematoda
Neodermata: Class Monogenea
Neodermata: Class Cestoda
10.3 Lophotrochozoa: Smaller Phyla
Phylum Nemertea (Rhynchocoela)
Phylum Brachiopoda
Phylum Ectoprocta (Bryozoa)
Phylum Gastrotricha
Phylum Cycliophora
10.4 Gnathifera
Phylum Syndermata
Phylum Micrognathozoa
Phylum Gnathostomulida
10.5 Evolutionary Connections
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Chapter 11: Molluscan Success
11 Molluscan Success
11.1 Evolutionary Perspective
Relationships to Other Animals
11.2 Molluscan Characteristics
11.3 Class Gastropoda
Gastropod Shells
Feeding and Digestion
Other Maintenance Functions
Reproduction and Development
Gastropod Diversity
11.4 Class Bivalvia
Shell and Associated Structures
Gas Exchange, Filter Feeding, and Digestion
Other Maintenance Functions
Reproduction and Development
Bivalve Diversity
11.5 Class Cephalopoda
Cephalopod Shells
Feeding and Digestion
Other Maintenance Functions
Reproduction and Development
11.6 Class Polyplacophora
11.7 Class Scaphopoda
11.8 Class Monoplacophora
11.9 Class Solenogastres
11.10 Class Caudofoveata
11.11 Evolutionary Connections
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Chapter 12: Annelida: The Metameric Body Form
12 Annelida: The Metameric Body Form
12.1 Evolutionary Perspective
Relationships to Other Animals
Metamerism and Tagmatization
12.2 Annelid Structure and Function
External Structure and Locomotion
Feeding and the Digestive System
Gas Exchange and Circulation
Nervous and Sensory Functions
Excretion and Osmoregulation
Regeneration, Reproduction, and Development
12.3 Clade (Class) Errantia
Nereis (Neanthes, Alitta)
12.4 Clade (Class) Sedentaria
12.5 Basal Annelid Groups
12.6 Evolutionary Connections
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Chapter 13: The Smaller Ecdysozoan Phyla
13 The Smaller Ecdysozoan Phyla
13.1 Evolutionary Perspective
13.2 Phylum Nematoda (Roundworms)
Structure and Function
Reproduction and Development
Nematodes in Ecosystems and Human Welfare
13.3 Other Ecdysozoan Phyla
Phylum Nematomorpha
Phylum Kinorhyncha
Phylum Priapulida
Phylum Loricifera
13.4 Evolutionary Connections
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Chapter 14: The Arthropods: Blueprint for Success
14 The Arthropods: Blueprint for Success
14.1 Evolutionary Perspective
Classification and Relationships to Other Animals
14.2 Metamerism And Tagmatization
14.3 The Exoskeleton
14.4 The Hemocoel
14.5 Metamorphosis
14.6 Subphylum Trilobitomorpha
14.7 Subphylum Chelicerata
Euchelicerate Taxa
14.8 Evolutionary Connections
Phylum Onychophora
Phylum Tardigrada
Chelicerate Phylogeny
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Chapter 15: The Mandibulata: Pancrustacea and Myriapoda
15 The Mandibulata: Pancrustacea and Myriapoda
15.1 Evolutionary Perspective
15.2 Crustacea: The Non-Hexapod Pancrustacea
15.3 Hexapoda
Insecta: Structure and Function
Insect Reproduction and Development
Insect Behavior
Insects and Humans
Insect Orders: The Big Four
15.4 Myriapoda
Pauropoda and Symphyla
15.5 Evolutionary Connections
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Chapter 16: Ambulacraria: Echinoderms and Hemichordates
16 Ambulacraria: Echinoderms and Hemichordates
16.1 Evolutionary Perspective
Relationships to Other Animals
16.2 Phylum Echinodermata
Echinoderm Characteristics
Class Asteroidea
Class Ophiuroidea
Class Echinoidea
Class Holothuroidea
Class Crinoidea
16.3 Phylum Hemichordata
Class Enteropneusta
Class Pterobranchia
16.4 Evolutionary Connections
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Chapter 17: Chordata: Urochordata and Cephalochordata
17 Chordata: Urochordata and Cephalochordata
17.1 Evolutionary Perspective
Phylogenetic Relationships
17.2 Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Urochordata
Subphylum Cephalochordata
17.3 Evolutionary Connections
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Chapter 18: The Fishes: Vertebrate Success in Water
18 The Fishes: Vertebrate Success in Water
18.1 Evolutionary Perspective
Phylogenetic Relationships
18.2 Survey of Fishes
Infraphylum Hyperotreti—Class Myxini
Infraphylum Vertebrata—Lampreys and Gnathostome Fishes
18.3 Evolutionary Pressures
Nutrition and the Digestive System
Circulation and Gas Exchange
Nervous and Sensory Functions
Excretion and Osmoregulation
Reproduction and Development
18.4 Evolutionary Connections
Tetrapodomorpha: Fishes with Amphibian-Like Characteristics
Tetrapodomorpha: Stem Tetrapods and Early Amphibians
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Chapter 19: Amphibians: The First Terrestrial Vertebrates
19 Amphibians: The First Terrestrial Vertebrates
19.1 Evolutionary Perspective
Phylogenetic Relationships
19.2 Survey of Amphibians
Order Gymnophiona
Order Caudata
Order Anura
19.3 Evolutionary Pressures
External Structure and Locomotion
Nutrition and the Digestive System
Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Temperature Regulation
Nervous and Sensory Functions
Excretion and Osmoregulation
Reproduction, Development, and Metamorphosis
19.4 Amphibians in Peril
19.5 Evolutionary Connections
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Chapter 20: Nonavian Reptiles: Diapsid Amniotes
20 Nonavian Reptiles: Diapsid Amniotes
20.1 Evolutionary Perspective
Cladistic Interpretation of the Amniote Lineage
Early Amniote Evolution and Skull Structure
20.2 Survey of the Nonavian Reptiles
20.3 Evolutionary Pressures
External Structure and Locomotion
Nutrition and the Digestive System
Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Temperature Regulation
Nervous and Sensory Functions
Excretion and Osmoregulation
Reproduction and Development
20.4 Evolutionary Connections
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Chapter 21: Birds: The Avian Reptiles
21 Birds: The Avian Reptiles
21.1 Evolutionary Perspective
Phylogenetic Relationships
Ancient Theropods and the Origin of Birds
The Initial Uses of Feathers and the Origins of Flight
Diversity of Modern Birds
21.2 Evolutionary Pressures
External Structure and Locomotion
Nutrition and the Digestive System
Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Temperature Regulation
Nervous and Sensory Systems
Excretion and Osmoregulation
Reproduction and Development
Migration and Navigation
21.3 Declining Populations
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Chapter 22: Mammals: Synapsid Amniotes
22 Mammals: Synapsid Amniotes
22.1 Evolutionary Perspective
22.2 Diversity of Mammals
22.3 Evolutionary Pressures
External Structure and Locomotion
Nutrition and the Digestive System
Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Temperature Regulation
Nervous and Sensory Functions
Excretion and Osmoregulation
Reproduction and Development
22.4 Human Evolution
Who Are the Primates?
Evolution of Hominins
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Chapter 23: Protection, Support, and Movement
23 Protection, Support, and Movement
23.1 Integumentary Systems
Invertebrate Integument
Vertebrate Integument
23.2 Skeletal Systems
Invertebrate Skeletons
Vertebrate Skeletons
23.3 Nonmuscular Movement and Muscular Systems
Nonmuscular Movement
Muscular Systems
Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function
Variations in Muscle Structure and Function
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Chapter 24: Communication I: Nervous and Sensory Systems
24 Communication I: Nervous and Sensory Systems
24.1 Neurons: the Basic Functional Units of the Nervous System
Neuron Structure: The Key to Function
24.2 Neuron Communication
Resting Membrane Potential
Graded Potentials
Action Potentials
Transmission of Action Potentials
24.3 Invertebrate Nervous Systems
24.4 Vertebrate Nervous Systems
The Spinal Cord
Spinal Nerves
The Brain
Cranial Nerves
The Autonomic Nervous System
24.5 Sensory Reception
24.6 Invertebrate Sensory Receptors
Tactile Receptors
24.7 Vertebrate Sensory Receptors
Lateral-Line System and Electroreception
Lateral-Line System and Mechanoreception
Hearing and Equilibrium in Air
Hearing and Equilibrium in Water
Sensory Receptors of the Skin
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Chapter 25: Communication II: The Endocrine System and Chemical Messengers
25 Communication II: The Endocrine System and Chemical Messengers
25.1 The Evolution and Diversity of Chemical Messengers
Diversity of Chemical Messengers
25.2 Hormones and Their Feedback Systems
Biochemistry of Hormones
Feedback Control System of Hormone Secretion
25.3 Mechanisms of Hormone Action
Fixed-Membrane-Receptor Mechanism
Mobile-Receptor Mechanism
25.4 Endocrine Glands
25.5 Invertebrate Endocrine Control
Chemical Messengers of Basal and Spiralian Phyla
Chemical Messengers of Ecdysozoans
Chemical Messengers of Deuterostomes
25.6 Endocrine Systems of Fishes and Amphibians
25.7 Endocrine Systems of Amniotes
Avian and Nonavian Reptiles
25.8 Some Hormones are not Produced by Endocrine Glands
25.9 Evolution of Endocrine Systems
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Chapter 26: Transport and Exchange in Animals
26 Transport and Exchange in Animals
26.1 Transport Processes In Invertebrates
Hemolymph, Blood, and Circulation in Invertebrates
26.2 Transport Systems In Vertebrates
Characteristics of Vertebrate Blood and Blood Cells
Vertebrate Blood Vessels
26.3 Vertebrate Circulatory Systems
Circulatory Systems of Fishes and Amphibians
Circulatory Systems of Amniotes
26.4 The Mammalian Circulatory System
The Mammalian Heart
Blood Pressure
26.5 Lymphatic Systems
26.6 Gas Exchange
Invertebrate Respiratory Systems
26.7 Vertebrate Respiratory Systems
Cutaneous Exchange
Lung Ventilation
26.8 The Mammalian Respiratory System
Air-Conduction Portion
Gas-Exchange Portion
26.9 Transport Of Respiratory Gases
Oxygen Binding and Release
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Chapter 27: Nutrition and Digestion
27 Nutrition and Digestion
27.1 Evolution of Heterotrophy
27.2 The Metabolic Fates of Nutrients in Heterotrophs
27.3 Digestion
27.4 Animal Strategies for Getting and Using Food
Continuous Versus Discontinuous Feeders
Suspension Feeders
Deposit Feeders
Surface Nutrient Absorption
Fluid Feeders
27.5 Diversity in Digestive Structures: Invertebrates
27.6 Diversity in Digestive Structures: Vertebrates
The Oral Cavity
The Alimentary Tract
Digestive Glandular Systems
27.7 the Mammalian Digestive System
Gastrointestinal Motility and its Control
Oral Cavity
Pharynx and Esophagus
Small Intestine: Main Site of Digestion
Large Intestine
Role of the Pancreas in Digestion
Role of the Liver and Gallbladder in Digestion
27.8 the Role of Microbial Communities in Animal Digestion and Health
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Chapter 28: Temperature and Body Fluid Regulation
28 Temperature and Body Fluid Regulation
28.1 Homeostasis And Temperature Regulation
Heat Gains and Losses
Some Solutions to Temperature Fluctuations
Temperature Regulation in Invertebrates
Temperature Regulation in Fishes
Temperature Regulation in Terrestrial Ectotherms
Temperature Regulation in Endotherms
28.2 Control Of Water And Electrolytes
28.3 Invertebrate Excretory Systems
Contractile Vacuoles
Antennal, Maxillary, and Coxal Glands
Malpighian Tubules
28.4 Vertebrate Excretory Systems
How Vertebrates Regulate Ions and Water
Evolution of the Vertebrate Kidney
How the Metanephric Kidney Functions
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Chapter 29: Reproduction and Development
29 Reproduction and Development
29.1 Asexual Reproduction in Invertebrates
Advantages and Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction
29.2 Sexual Reproduction in Invertebrates
External Fertilization
Internal Fertilization
Advantages and Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction
29.3 Sexual Reproduction in Vertebrates
Vertebrate Reproductive Strategies
29.4 The Human Male Reproductive System
Production and Transport of Sperm
Hormonal Control of Male Reproductive Function
29.5 The Human Female Reproductive System
Production and Transport of the Egg
Hormonal Control of Female Reproductive Function
Hormonal Regulation in the Pregnant Female
Mammals With Estrous Cycles
29.6 Prenatal Development and Birth in Humans
Events of Prenatal Development: from Zygote to Newborn
The Placenta: Exchange Site and Hormone Producer
Birth: An End and a Beginning
Milk Production and Lactation
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